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pk appeal hans smith


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Character's name & rank: hamptmann hans smith

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:574715804


Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): seikler

Explain why you were PK'd: i was constantly harassed by the medusa guards, i was supposed to be in a meeting and they refused even after multiple high ranking officials and was still denied. they continued harassing me and i had made a report and nothing was really done about it come today they walk up to me and tell me that im gonna be detained they then prosseded to surround me and harass me again and my game then crashed due to the amount of people and props, they then went on to go to discord to harrass me and told me there gonna pk me and they succeded and also got me banned for LTARP. It discorages me to want to play again after trying to get it solved

Why should you be un-PK'd?: im active in the server, i played a crutal role and i enjoy playing on the server i feel like people are pushing me off because of my character and my dialect, english is not my first language and  provided below is as much evidence as i can provide

Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ino9fQkaFJF5uF2CG/d1337HgzQWp4?invite=cr-MSxodEYsMTcxOTc1MTMwLA









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Hey there! I'm the chief of the medusa guards and the person that reported you for LTARP.

I was requested in the sit by the staff member @Seikerto dm you to get back on after leaving. You then started insulting me in dm's and stating you don't care. After these screenshots were shown to seiker he then contacted a member of UA who approved the PK on you.

No point writing much more since you can't even spell so, that's all! Bye.

Edited by Milde
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out of context completely


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Denied. These clips do not show 'harassment' of any kind. Also, you did not crash. Our logs show you disconnected with purpose.

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