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Pet Flags appeal

Barry, 63

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Name: Schmidt Fischer

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:79663

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: @Da Epic Goose

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I played around with a prop which blew up a truck inside the military base, inadvertently killing the driver in the process.

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I'm guilty of fucking around. My only defense is that the driver himself blew up his truck beforehand and we were just fucking around together more or less so there was an unofficial mutual agreement between us. Notheless, I apologize for it as it was in violation of the rules and posed a major safety risk for the other members inside the base. I understand the severity of my actions and promise wholeheartedly that I won't act as recklessly going forward. I value the work that the staff and playerbase have invested in this server and I have personally contributed to it for many years, participating in events and whatnot throughout various factions.

Additional Information: None.

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Hi there, staff member who banned you here.

You pretty much summarised what I wanted to say and even tho it hasn't been that long since the blacklist I'd say you can be forgiven, tho I'll leave it to the UA member for the verdict.

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When you are next on the server make a ticket requesting for a member of UA so they can unblacklist your flags.

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