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GroBadmiral Friedhart Thone - Pk Appeal

Friedhart Thone

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Character's name & rank:

Friedhart Thone, GroBadmiral, Minister of War 



Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):


Explain why you were PK'd:

From the information I have been told by Virus I was "Couped" no other information regarding the pk was given nor has it been given despite requests, and what I can decern from Saito (Who conducted the PK) is that I was pkd because I was and I quote "not good enough for the position of Minister of War" and was hiding away during a civil war (Which makes sense I'm NHC why would I go out and get myself killed).

Why should you be un-PK'd?: 

First of all, let's start off with this "coup" there were a multitude of other ways that could have been played out, my character did nothing to deserve to be killed by Saito or for a manor of fact really anyone within the PK guidelines, there are really only a handful of people who I know who may have had potential pks on me, but none of them would apply in this situation as it would be under grief (Which requires the people in question to perform the PK themselves), a coup doesn't mean to kill everyone apposed to you, I could have simply been allowed to leave or better yet, negotiate for someone else to take my place, but no instead you went straight for the gun, bloodless coups exist and have happened, you just used the "Oh we're couping him" excuse to kill my character needlessly.

There was absolutely no reason why my character should have been killed in this situation. Furthermore this coup was one person shooting me and two of my guards further that's not a coup not on the slightest, I call this "Coup" a blatant cover for what it is, a blatant violation of the PK guidelines by members of the community who think they can twist the PK guidelines to their advantage, playing the rules as it were, murdering someone for their position and job because their "slow" or because they don't "fit the role" they are in is not within the PK guidelines and is outright ridiculous.

Furthermore the civil war (Which Saito on his Kai Kaiser character started BTW) had ended and a ceasefire was called, therefore that cannot be the reason for me being pked either, we had finished fighting with the MOI 10 minutes prior and where about to meet a peace summit at the Reichstag. We had effectively won the civil war and then he decides to shoot me down? Where's the logic in that? Furthermore under Generalrule 26. It also clearly states that you cannot kill your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power.
3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort.

5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title.
6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job.

25. You may not plan the assassination of your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power. You must have a detailed reason for wanting them dead that is in accordance with PK guidelines.

This was not a PK of last resort, as you made no attempt to come talk to me about the issue of which you know very well I would have talked about, so does just about everyone else in the server. Hell we didn't even have any bad previous talks with each other, you just decided out of nowhere to shoot me, after complaining about how you lost around 2 million in a civil war of your own making, of which I offered to pay back. This was no unreasonable, you made no attempt to resolve it and went straight to killing me.
4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member.

Fact of the matter is, this pk, shouldn't have happened in the first place based on the information I have been given and is in clear violation of the PK guidelines and General Rules of the community. If the issue arises regarding the fact that to much time has passed I will happily cede Minister of War and command of the Armed Forces, I just want my character that I have spent 3-5 months on back and to be given a fair shake when it comes to this dodgy PK.

Additional Information: 


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I should also mention as I know it will come up, I did ask if I could make an appeal beforehand, furthermore as an additional since I know a lot has taken place after my characters death I am also open to a name PK if the need arises to avoid issues.

Edited by Friedhart Thone
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So many forum bans incoming...

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Lets tackle the points you brought up.

1. Sadly due to Active RP, this section cannot be answered publically and has been provided to Higher Staff for review.

11 hours ago, Friedhart Thone said:

First of all, let's start off with this "coup" there were a multitude of other ways that could have been played out, my character did nothing to deserve to be killed by Saito or for a manor of fact really anyone within the PK guidelines, there are really only a handful of people who I know who may have had potential pks on me, but none of them would apply in this situation as it would be under grief (Which requires the people in question to perform the PK themselves), a coup doesn't mean to kill everyone apposed to you, I could have simply been allowed to leave or better yet, negotiate for someone else to take my place, but no instead you went straight for the gun, bloodless coups exist and have happened, you just used the "Oh we're couping him" excuse to kill my character needlessly.

2. While I can assure you that the PK wasn't based solely on the reason on attempting to take your Position for myself, the PK execution was proper as per already standing precedence. This execution of PK falls within the Guidelines as Reagan PK. In addition, the statement that I wrote to you was as the following: "https://gyazo.com/1f037fec86df51157a377dba4665ab26" in our Discord conversation. This was in response to you calling me dirty e.t.c, to make it clear to you that I've not seen you as a good leader in the first place. This is not me telling you that I wished for your position which universally was known that I do not wish to be that position due to my bad experience with a prior situation.

2.1 Addendum: You also stated, "Well, unironically, I was probably going to be forced to resign anyways" speaking about the PK on basis of a personal reason hence why i am confused why you'd appeal in the first place.

11 hours ago, Friedhart Thone said:

Furthermore the civil war (Which Saito on his Kai Kaiser character started BTW) had ended and a ceasefire was called, therefore that cannot be the reason for me being pked either, we had finished fighting with the MOI 10 minutes prior and where about to meet a peace summit at the Reichstag. We had effectively won the civil war and then he decides to shoot me down? Where's the logic in that? Furthermore under Generalrule 26. It also clearly states that you cannot kill your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power.
3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort.

5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title.
6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job.


3. A Whole RP situation occurred during the Civil War, which cumulated with the PK within your Office. During it, the Civil War was currently ending, and the opportunity was found at the proper time to execute it. You were not PK'd on the basis of you starting a Civil War, but on the basis of a "Coup," whose reasoning is currently still active in RP, to which staff handling this PK will be informed when requested. In regards of you stating once again that the sole purpose of me going after your job/title, i already answered earlier and see this point as Moot.

11 hours ago, Friedhart Thone said:

This was not a PK of last resort, as you made no attempt to come talk to me about the issue of which you know very well I would have talked about, so does just about everyone else in the server. Hell we didn't even have any bad previous talks with each other, you just decided out of nowhere to shoot me, after complaining about how you lost around 2 million in a civil war of your own making, of which I offered to pay back. This was no unreasonable, you made no attempt to resolve it and went straight to killing me.
4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member.

4. You are my Boss. You control everything above and below me. Your lack of presence and constant fear of a PK within Discord Conversations make it clear you will be absent for days on end with no proper ability to work on said issues. You also need to understand that as a subordinate, there is very little you can do in terms of alternative routes to get rid of your boss. With the nature of your Position, Last resort was reached and the staff handling the PK authorized it accordingly.

11 hours ago, Friedhart Thone said:

Fact of the matter is, this pk, shouldn't have happened in the first place based on the information I have been given and is in clear violation of the PK guidelines and General Rules of the community. If the issue arises regarding the fact that to much time has passed I will happily cede Minister of War and command of the Armed Forces, I just want my character that I have spent 3-5 months on back and to be given a fair shake when it comes to this dodgy PK.

5. From my understanding, you weren't provided information due to active RP surrounding your PK, and our private discussion does not reflect the PK's actual substance. Furthermore, from an RP standpoint, it would not make sense for your Character to be UnPK'd after being an NHC "RPI" on active RP. The PK was done within the guidelines and with authorization of the right Staff.


All in all, I understand your issues and concerns regarding the PK. I myself had a similar experience in the past regarding how such a PK is executed, and as such, I can understand the frustration.



Edited by Saito
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10 hours ago, Saito said:

1. Sadly due to Active RP, this section cannot be answered publicly and has been provided to Higher Staff for review.

Then how in gods name am I supposed to refute the pk if I'm not even given the evidence to refute it. The fact of the matter is the pk is done, why be so secretive about the evidence at this point, your beating around the bush to prevent me from properly defending myself and my character. Because being given the answer "You were couped by your command staff" is arguably one of the most stupidest reasons to be killed especially when yesterday we were talking together with no issues. Again you didn't go through other avenues first you went straight to kill me. 

10 hours ago, Saito said:

2. While I can assure you that the PK wasn't based solely on the reason on attempting to take your Position for myself, the PK execution was proper as per already standing precedence. This execution of PK falls within the Guidelines as Reagan PK. In addition, the statement that I wrote to you was as the following: "https://gyazo.com/1f037fec86df51157a377dba4665ab26" in our Discord conversation. This was in response to you calling me dirty e.t.c, to make it clear to you that I've not seen you as a good leader in the first place. This is not me telling you that I wished for your position which universally was known that I do not wish to be that position due to my bad experience with a prior situation.

2.1 Addendum: You also stated, "Well, unironically, I was probably going to be forced to resign anyways" speaking about the PK on basis of a personal reason hence why i am confused why you'd appeal in the first place.

Still was not a PK of last resort, you basically just admitted to the fact that you didn't even bother to speak with me or pursue other avenues. Furthermore "Well, unironically, I was probably going to be forced to resign anyways" because I have a personal health issue that's popped up not because of IC reasons you fuck. Doesn't mean I wished for a character I spent 5 months on to be killed in some garbage and bullshit PK. Keep my personal life out of this appeal you bastard, otherwise I'll start slagging yours around.

10 hours ago, Saito said:

3. A Whole RP situation occurred during the Civil War, which cumulated with the PK within your Office. During it, the Civil War was currently ending, and the opportunity was found at the proper time to execute it. You were not PK'd on the basis of you starting a Civil War, but on the basis of a "Coup," whose reasoning is currently still active in RP, to which staff handling this PK will be informed when requested. In regards of you stating once again that the sole purpose of me going after your job/title, i already answered earlier and see this point as Moot.

So what your saying is, you've deliberately put myself and yourself into a position to be pk'd during a civil war? Because you were involved with the fighting for a good solid hour and a half, how did your character not die? Cause that's also against the PK guidelines. The civil war had ended, it was done, and again how am I supposed to refute and defend my character if I don't see the evidence, cause I'm going to say it, its bullshit if I don't get the details on why my character was killed when arguably it didn't deserve it
2. Purposefully subjecting someone into a situation which puts them under valid PK guidelines.

10 hours ago, Saito said:

4. You are my Boss. You control everything above and below me. Your lack of presence and constant fear of a PK within Discord Conversations make it clear you will be absent for days on end with no proper ability to work on said issues. You also need to understand that as a subordinate, there is very little you can do in terms of alternative routes to get rid of your boss. With the nature of your Position, Last resort was reached and the staff handling the PK authorized it accordingly.

So you admitted to taking OOC stuff said Iccly? Cause that's what that sentence says to me, furthermore I have been unwell these past few days of which I said to just about everyone, you let OOC comments sway your decision which is insane, your a senior administrator and you let small comments like that sway your decision to kill me because I had food poisoning and was concerned about people trying to kill me in a discord chat? Also against the PK guidelines and is considered metagaming tbh. Furthermore you basically just admitted to "get rid of your boss." that's so you intent was to remove me for my position. There are plenty of alternative routes, you just decided to be lazy and go straight for the gun without actually doing any of the alternatives.

7. PKing for an OOC dispute.

For shame. OOC should not affect RP. You know better. On that basis alone I ask for the PK to be thrown out and my character restored. Also no last resort was reached because YOU NEVER TALKED TO ME, MET WITH ME, REACHED OUT TO ME. NOTHING! There was no last resort if your a lazy shit, you went straight to killing my character in a half cocked one man coup. Furthermore if I remember correctly this isn't the first time you've done this, taking OOC information to attack others, you did it to Jurgen Schmidt when he was Gauleiter and got told off for it. Meaning you know you shouldn't be doing it and yet have proceeded to do so.

10 hours ago, Saito said:

5. From my understanding, you weren't provided information due to active RP surrounding your PK, and our private discussion does not reflect the PK's actual substance. Furthermore, from an RP standpoint, it would not make sense for your Character to be UnPK'd after being an NHC "RPI" on active RP. The PK was done within the guidelines and with authorization of the right Staff.

But its not, you broke just about half of the PK guidelines a general rule and you've ruined your reputation in the community by doing so. Doesn't matter if it was "The right Staff" clearly that staff member wasn't paying attention when you requested that pk or forgot to ask if you'd done anything else besides go straight for the kill, because you hadn't. Furthermore if the roots are rotten then it bears rotten fruit, my pk was rotten therefor all rp afterwards will also be rotten until the roots are clean and stripped away. Does it matter if I was to come back? There are other ways of bringing this character back, a name change etc. Its been done before so don't say its impossible.

End of the day my character DID NOT deserve to be killed in this situation, did nothing to deserve to be killed in a "reagen pk" Icly from your character further you didn't try any other avenue you went straight to kill me. Also One man coups are boring as fuck. You admitted to allow OOC said stuff influence your IC actions which is against the PK guidelines, you admitted that you put yourself in position and myself into a position which puts them valid under the PK guidelines which is not allowed, you didn't go through last resort, you didn't even attempt any form of communication or deliberation and the refusal of showing the so called evidence makes me believe you either don't have it or its fake. Given the admissions within your reply I ask this pk be overturned in its entirety.

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14 minutes ago, Friedhart Thone said:

Then how in gods name am I supposed to refute the pk if I'm not even given the evidence to refute it. The fact of the matter is the pk is done, why be so secretive about the evidence at this point, your beating around the bush to prevent me from properly defending myself and my character. Because being given the answer "You were couped by your command staff" is arguably one of the most stupidest reasons to be killed especially when yesterday we were talking together with no issues. Again you didn't go through other avenues first you went straight to kill me. 

1. That's you simply being frustrated. That's fine. Nonetheless, if you are told that the information is still in active RP, and you don't understand it, that's fine.


16 minutes ago, Friedhart Thone said:

Still was not a PK of last resort, you basically just admitted to the fact that you didn't even bother to speak with me or pursue other avenues. Furthermore "Well, unironically, I was probably going to be forced to resign anyways" because I have a personal health issue that's popped up not because of IC reasons you fuck. Doesn't mean I wished for a character I spent 5 months on to be killed in some garbage and bullshit PK. Keep my personal life out of this appeal you bastard, otherwise I'll start slagging yours around.

2. You didn't read my reply so I am going to ignore the majority of it except your comment about the "resignation" part. I did not provide the background to it for exactly that reason as to keep your personal life not involved. Threatening to "start slagging" mine around and becoming as hostile as you did is beyond me and should be punished IMHO.


19 minutes ago, Friedhart Thone said:

So what your saying is, you've deliberately put myself and yourself into a position to be pk'd during a civil war? Because you were involved with the fighting for a good solid hour and a half, how did your character not die? Cause that's also against the PK guidelines. The civil war had ended, it was done, and again how am I supposed to refute and defend my character if I don't see the evidence, cause I'm going to say it, its bullshit if I don't get the details on why my character was killed when arguably it didn't deserve it
2. Purposefully subjecting someone into a situation which puts them under valid PK guidelines.

3. What...? Just as earlier, refer to point 1. Also, you were not PK'd for the Civil war, nor were you purposefully subjected into it. At this point you are just looking for straws.

21 minutes ago, Friedhart Thone said:

So you admitted to taking OOC stuff said Iccly? Cause that's what that sentence says to me, furthermore I have been unwell these past few days of which I said to just about everyone, you let OOC comments sway your decision which is insane, your a senior administrator and you let small comments like that sway your decision to kill me because I had food poisoning and was concerned about people trying to kill me in a discord chat? Also against the PK guidelines and is considered metagaming tbh.

7. PKing for an OOC dispute.

For shame. OOC should not affect RP. You know better. On that basis alone I ask for the PK to be thrown out and my character restored. Also no last resort was reached because YOU NEVER TALKED TO ME, MET WITH ME, REACHED OUT TO ME. NOTHING! There was no last resort if your a lazy shit, you went straight to killing my character in a half cocked one man coup.

4. do you understand that your absence is still noted? That is not relevant in the first place. I brought up that point to make it clear to you that you were absent. There was a running gag that I was the "acting field marshall" due to your lack of control and absence. Again, you are simply looking for straws to grab on, as there is no argument here. And lastly, once again, refrain from actively insulting in an appeal. That certainly doesn't bring a good light to you. 


27 minutes ago, Friedhart Thone said:

But its not, you broke just about half of the PK guidelines a general rule and you've ruined your reputation in the community by doing so. Doesn't matter if it was "The right Staff" clearly that staff member wasn't paying attention when you requested that pk or forgot to ask if you'd done anything else besides go straight for the kill, because you hadn't. Furthermore if the roots are rotten then it bears rotten fruit, my pk was rotten therefor all rp afterwards will also be rotten until the roots are clean and stripped away. Does it matter if I was to come back? There are other ways of bringing this character back, a name change etc. Its been done before so don't say its impossible.

End of the day my character DID NOT deserve to be killed in this situation, did nothing to deserve to be killed in a "reagen pk" Icly from your character further you didn't try any other avenue you went straight to kill me. Also One man coups are boring as fuck. You admitted to allow OOC said stuff influence your IC actions which is against the PK guidelines, you admitted that you put yourself in position and myself into a position which puts them valid under the PK guidelines which is not allowed, you didn't go through last resort, you didn't even attempt any form of communication or deliberation and the refusal of showing the so called evidence makes me believe you either don't have it or its fake. Given the admissions within your reply I ask this pk be overturned in its entirety.

5. If you are telling GA didn't pay attention, didn't see the leg-work for the PK, and your PK being "rotten," forcing now a couple of days worth of RP being reverted, then I'm sorry, but you aren't thinking straight. Approvals against NHC aren't simply approved Willy Nilly. The Guideline was upkept, the rules weren't broken "unlike in your track record which UA know about...", and most of the points you made in your second paragraph here is just regurgitating the same points over and over again. With all necessities being fulfilled and provided, your PK is solid. Just because you don't know the work put into the PK, doesn't make it less valid.


And obvious to last, it slowly gets on my nerves that you are actively insulting me for an In-Game Interaction on a Forum due to you being "pissed off" or "mad," etc. I don't intend on playing the "I don't know what to say, so let's just insult him and hope for the best" game. Either stay professional or just stop replying since it clearly seems that your way of replying to me in a Public Forum isn't appropriate. I understand being pissed off, which, quite honestly, I was too when I was PK'd as Tillmann, "which also got Reagan PK'd. " But this still doesn't give you the right to insult me just because I am the Opposition.

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I'm just going to ignore the first point as its pointless.

2 minutes ago, Saito said:

2. You didn't read my reply so I am going to ignore the majority of it except your comment about the "resignation" part. I did not provide the background to it for exactly that reason as to keep your personal life not involved. Threatening to "start slagging" mine around and becoming as hostile as you did is beyond me and should be punished IMHO.

Because you took something I said out of context to your own benefit, you know exactly what I'm referencing, lets post the rest of that text shall we. 

Maybe don't take stuff out of context then, that doesn't make you look good does it? When it very clearly has deeper meaning and reasoning to it. "well unironically I was probably going to be forced to resign anyways" doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is the reason is health issues not because I was bored or leaving for the sake of it unlike others in the past, that's not an instant pass for the pk to be allowed to continue or to validate it when it very clearly violates half of the guidelines and some rules.

"You didn't read my reply so I am going to ignore the majority of it" no I did, its just that there is no standing precedence of a coup is this caliber are we really going to set the precedence for "One Man Coups?" because that's what this was, which is insane. 

Does that mean a Kommodore can one man coup a Kontoradmiral by himself and murder him to get the position because he doesn't like them? No because it very clearly violates the guidelines, so why then does this make sense.

Generaloberst one man couping and murdering the Grobadmiral because he doesn't like him for some reason and not voicing his concern or opinions. Setting that precedence is insane as that can apply to just about anyone now and I personally feel that we the community should not set a precedence like that as it will lead to more problems then its worth.

9 minutes ago, Saito said:

5. If you are telling GA didn't pay attention, didn't see the leg-work for the PK, and your PK being "rotten," forcing now a couple of days worth of RP being reverted, then I'm sorry, but you aren't thinking straight. Approvals against NHC aren't simply approved Willy Nilly. The Guideline was upkept, the rules weren't broken "unlike in your track record which UA know about...", and most of the points you made in your second paragraph here is just regurgitating the same points over and over again. With all necessities being fulfilled and provided, your PK is solid. Just because you don't know the work put into the PK, doesn't make it less valid.

What's that supposed to mean? "unlike in your track record which UA know about..." Last time I checked I have a handful of notes 2-3, No bans on record. If your referring to skips I apologized on the matter and it was settled that is that.

Since we're going to talk about track record let's talk about the time you tried to use OOC information to kill Jurgen Schmidt when he was Gauleiter because you wanted his job and got promptly told off for it and the pk got thrown out, because as of this moment it seems that OOC information had a part to play in this and hence why I believe this was done as an attempt to grab power, jobs and titles. There is precedent for you doing this and as such everyone including staff should seriously heavily scrutinize the PK's intent.

Furthermore I'm not pissed off or mad, I'm disappointed that this pk was allowed to happen in the first place when it very clearly violates the PK guidelines and several rules. As if people forget that the guidelines and rules exist for a reason.

33 minutes ago, Saito said:

4. do you understand that your absence is still noted? That is not relevant in the first place. I brought up that point to make it clear to you that you were absent. There was a running gag that I was the "acting field marshall" due to your lack of control and absence. Again, you are simply looking for straws to grab on, as there is no argument here. And lastly, once again, refrain from actively insulting in an appeal. That certainly doesn't bring a good light to you. 

That is still not enough reasoning for my character to have been killed, furthermore completely irrelevant... And if we're talking about a good light, how will the community feel about it hm? Because despite the fact that the appeal was cleared it was very obvious that many people have agreed that the PK was bogus. This is not just about my character now, its about setting precedence and halting this kind of ridiculous pk and one man coups from continuing. 

Furthermore I am going to keep reiterating my points not "Regurgitating" as you have so happily described them as because it is fact, the PK guidelines were broken and so were several rules. Let me get the full list of the guidelines that were broken during this pk and the General Rules that have been broken that you have admitted to on this pk.

2. Purposefully subjecting someone into a situation which puts them under valid PK guidelines. (The Civil War, I know you said that you didnt and that I wasnt killed because of it however regardless of the fact you used the civil war as a cover to kill me.)
3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort. (Wasn't Last resort)
4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member. (There was no attempt at resolution so therefore was completely skipped.)
5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. (You killed me to attempt to grab power for yourself or for someone else.)
6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job. (I was doing my job, however you fail to realize that some parts of the job are slow, yeah I delegated for you to do things, but you were the Generaloberst and OKH chief you don't need me for everything.)


7. You must always value your own life through FearRP. Failure to abide by FearRP can result in your character being permanently killed. (You joined in the civil war long before I joined the server, shocking that you weren't killed, not to mention you killed 4 people in that pk Reagen PK's whilst yes allow you to run up and shoot the person you wish to kill doesn't allow to disregard FearRP. Not to mention the chance that guards outside rush in to kill you/)
25. You may not plan the assassination of your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power. You must have a detailed reason for wanting them dead that is in accordance with PK guidelines.
(You wanted me removed so you or someone you wanted to gain power simple.)
26. Making use of Out of Character communication to gain an In-Character advantage is considered Metagame.
(You very clearly stated that you let discord DM's sway you IC actions.)

5. You cannot use an OOC reason to PK someone.
(Again you very clearly stated that you let discord dm's be apart of the reasoning of my characters supposed PK.)

4. You cannot take OOC matters into IC roleplay.
(You took OOC discord DMs into IC roleplay, you've admitted that in your response.)

Once again. I ask that this PK be thrown out and my character unpk'd as it very CLEARLY violates the PK guidelines and General Rules, not to mention it sets a bad precedence for the community!

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1 hour ago, Friedhart Thone said:

Because you took something I said out of context to your own benefit, you know exactly what I'm referencing, lets post the rest of that text shall we. 

Maybe don't take stuff out of context then, that doesn't make you look good does it? When it very clearly has deeper meaning and reasoning to it. "well unironically I was probably going to be forced to resign anyways" doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is the reason is health issues not because I was bored or leaving for the sake of it unlike others in the past, that's not an instant pass for the pk to be allowed to continue or to validate it when it very clearly violates half of the guidelines and some rules.

"You didn't read my reply so I am going to ignore the majority of it" no I did, its just that there is no standing precedence of a coup is this caliber are we really going to set the precedence for "One Man Coups?" because that's what this was, which is insane. 

Does that mean a Kommodore can one man coup a Kontoradmiral by himself and murder him to get the position because he doesn't like them? No because it very clearly violates the guidelines, so why then does this make sense.

Generaloberst one man couping and murdering the Grobadmiral because he doesn't like him for some reason and not voicing his concern or opinions. Setting that precedence is insane as that can apply to just about anyone now and I personally feel that we the community should not set a precedence like that as it will lead to more problems then its worth.

1. It's not out of context. You said what you said. You made it clear that you wanted to resign anyways and it was brought up while concealing the personal part as I didn't wish to reveal parts of your personal life. That's your prerogative to provide more context to it if you are fine in revealing it. It isn't that deep.


Precedence already exists of a single gunman killing a Person with more people around them. I am honestly not sure what you are trying to say here. You are also painting it as in me wanting to coup you simply because I don't like you for some reason which I didn't state. Coup's exist on UA approval with a reasoning provided to them specifically and it is to their discretion to decide if the justification is just. 

1 hour ago, Friedhart Thone said:

What's that supposed to mean? "unlike in your track record which UA know about..." Last time I checked I have a handful of notes 2-3, No bans on record. If your referring to skips I apologized on the matter and it was settled that is that.

Since we're going to talk about track record let's talk about the time you tried to use OOC information to kill Jurgen Schmidt when he was Gauleiter because you wanted his job and got promptly told off for it and the pk got thrown out, because as of this moment it seems that OOC information had a part to play in this and hence why I believe this was done as an attempt to grab power, jobs and titles. There is precedent for you doing this and as such everyone including staff should seriously heavily scrutinize the PK's intent.

Furthermore I'm not pissed off or mad, I'm disappointed that this pk was allowed to happen in the first place when it very clearly violates the PK guidelines and several rules. As if people forget that the guidelines and rules exist for a reason.

2. ...What? Again, Jurgen Schmidt? Who is that? Gauleiter? What are you talking about... I don't even know what you are trying to say here since I always say that Gauleiter is a Useless Job. It's quite convenient how you forgot a deleted discord you took part in specifically for your own "protection" during your current term as MoW, but it seems you are just forgetful. And the last part I will just ignore since, again, you are regurgitating the same stuff over and over again.


1 hour ago, Friedhart Thone said:

That is still not enough reasoning for my character to have been killed, furthermore completely irrelevant... And if we're talking about a good light, how will the community feel about it hm? Because despite the fact that the appeal was cleared it was very obvious that many people have agreed that the PK was bogus. This is not just about my character now, its about setting precedence and halting this kind of ridiculous pk and one man coups from continuing. 

Furthermore I am going to keep reiterating my points not "Regurgitating" as you have so happily described them as because it is fact, the PK guidelines were broken and so were several rules. Let me get the full list of the guidelines that were broken during this pk and the General Rules that have been broken that you have admitted to on this pk.



2. Purposefully subjecting someone into a situation which puts them under valid PK guidelines. (No Relevance. Misrepresentation. Civil war had nothing to do with it.)
3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort. (Was Last Resort of the Nature of said PK)
4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member. (Action was taken and due to the Nature of said situation it was deemed impossible with the Objectives laid out)
5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. (You forgot the word "Sole")
6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job. (Not applicable. This applies mainly to people like the NSB. If a NSB person gets killed for simply questioning a Person e.t.c. You are overgeneralizing it.)


7. You must always value your own life through FearRP. Failure to abide by FearRP can result in your character being permanently killed. (I didn't die. I won. You Lost.)
25. You may not plan the assassination of your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power. You must have a detailed reason for wanting them dead that is in accordance with PK guidelines.
(again, forgot the word "Sole")
26. Making use of Out of Character communication to gain an In-Character advantage is considered Metagame.
(Not Applicable. Reasoning stated in earlier reply, also cease trying to frame the Discord messages in relevance. They were used to show you that you were absent)

5. You cannot use an OOC reason to PK someone.
(Refer to point 26)

4. You cannot take OOC matters into IC roleplay.
(Refer to Point 26)

3. People don't know about the extent of the PK, what was working in the background, what planning went into it, etc. You have your friend group, which is generally fine, and if they agree with you, that's amazing! However, in terms of a PK, it isn't "cleared" in your favor.  I understand the frustration, as said multiple times, but sadly you are wrong.


Feel free to check the edit I made to your quote above regarding said rules you brought up.

Since you haven't provided any new relevant points, I will leave it as is. Hope for speedy final verdict from UA/GA

Edited by Saito
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There's been too much roleplay that has occurred since this PK took place. In addition, the reasoning for the PK that Saito provided was more than adequate. We very rarely make mistakes in regards to NHC PKs, which are only ever really appealed if instances of metagame are discovered or things of that severity.

And as for your note regarding how the community perceives your PK, as to how many people who may or may not believe the PK was invalid, this is not something we take into account when issuing a PK. It doesn't matter how many people you garner support from, that's simply not a factor.

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