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PK Appeal On Sigmar Wolf


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Character's name & rank: 
Haptmann Sigmar Wolf
The staff member who issued the PK (if you know): 
Skipper (The UA who approved it was Coffe)
Explain why you were PK'd: 
The person who killed me said that it was because I radioed in for backup. (FrearRP)
Why should you be un-PK'd?: 
Summary of events:
I was walking to the bank not bothering anyone and two NSB came up to me and asked for my ID I said no, and they started pointing their guns at me and saying don't move you are under FearRP(This invalidates the RP) Then I radioed in for backup. When he said: "if you radio one more time I'm gonna shoot you" I stopped radioing and then they dragged me away and when they saw a bunch of military approaching and then they shot me.
1. Reason: When he told me to stop calling for backup on the radio, I stopped and I listened. So I did not break FearPR.
2. Reason: They kept saying you are under FearRP in character and they said it several times. This invalidates the RP situations as it mentions things in OOC context. Therefore the FrearRP situation is invalid.
3. Reason: Under the "How to Conduct a Permanent-Kill" under line 3 it says the following:  "Roleplay properly while conducting the PK."
There was no RP reason to execute me just because there was military coming towards the bank.
4. Reason: I was already restrained and being dragged away, and the NSB member refused to deal with the apparent situation in character,of possibly military men approaching from far, by shooting me in the head. I had no way to fight back as I was bound so it wasn't breaking FearRP either.
5. Reason: Under the PK Guidelines sections three and four it says the following: "3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort." and "4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member."
I believe that these requirements were not met. They did not use a PK as a last resort, they shot me because a bunch of military passed by. And for the second one, they did not attempt to resolve matters in other ways but they went straight for a PK. This is clearly a PK bait.

Additional Information: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iorOGBJ1BDEp7dtDY&invite=cr-MSxvdUosMTEyNDAxNTU2LA&spok=d1337aUWj1HF

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Hello I was the staff member who approved the PK.

Let me go through your reasons and provide a response.

"1. Reason: When he told me to stop calling for backup on the radio, I stopped and I listened. So I did not break FearPR."

You were under gunpoint which means you are under fear RP and whilst you were under fear RP you radio'd in for backup therefore you did break Fear RP.

"2. Reason: They kept saying you are under FearRP in character and they said it several times. This invalidates the RP situations as it mentions things in OOC context. Therefore the FrearRP situation is invalid."

The guy said "You are under Fear RP" literally once that does not then exempt you from fear RP.

"3. Reason: Under the "How to Conduct a Permanent-Kill" under line 3 it says the following:  "Roleplay properly while conducting the PK."

You were roleplayed with properly just because someone 
said "You are under Fear RP" once does not mean you were not roleplayed with properly.

"There was no RP reason to execute me just because there was military coming towards the bank."

Firstly you radio'd in for backup whilst you were under fear RP which then caused a large group of military members to storm down to the bank and start chasing down these members of the NSB and when you were in cuffs and being dragged to the MOI you made an advertisement whilst you were in cuffs which is Fail RP and you can also be PK'd for making an advertisement whilst in cuffs depending on what the advertisement is.

In this case you advertised "I'm at the bank they are heading to the bank" which in this case put those NSB members at a large risk.

"4. Reason: I was already restrained and being dragged away, and the NSB member refused to deal with the apparent situation in character,of possibly military men approaching from far, by shooting me in the head. I had no way to fight back as I was bound so it wasn't breaking FearRP either."

You were shot because of the following reasons:

1. You radio'd in for backup whilst you were under fear RP.

2. You caused a large group of military members to storm down to the bank and start chasing down these members of the NSB in an attempt to arrest them.

3. When you were in cuffs and being dragged to the MOI you made an advertisement which endangered those members of the NSB.

I completely agree with what those members of the NSB did by shooting you while you made the advertisement and considering that you had already been given the chance to live when you were breaking fear RP yet you continued.

"5. Reason: Under the PK Guidelines sections three and four it says the following: "3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort."

These PK guidelines mostly rely on context of the situation I see this as a last resort as you were again 
given the chance to live after you broke Fear RP by radioing in the whole Military that you were being kidnapped then after you were in cuffs you made an advertisement so I see that as a last resort you was given the chance to stop and again you continued.

Now for "4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member.""

It's the same point I just made they tried to resolve the matter by not shooting you and just arresting you but when you were in cuffs you made an advertisement.

Overall I believe that this PK was fair and if you did not radio in for backup while under fear RP and make an advertisement while you were cuffed this whole situation would of been avoided completely.

It's your own actions which lead to you getting PK'd.

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I'm the one who made the PK ticket.


You know, saying "You are under gunpoint. Do not move. Do not radio. Do not advertise. Do not draw a weapon." is really tedious. Common sense applies. FearRP applies even if I do not tell you each individual thing you are not allowed to do. You were being arrested, fearRP is obviously present. You appear to have a misunderstanding of the rule. FearRP is not you merely abiding by someone's rules when they have a gun pointed at you, it is instead trying to preserve your own life when it is reasonably under threat. For example, you can not be fearrp'd if you have a gun out. But if five guys surround you with guns out, and you try to shoot them and die, that is obviously breaking fearrp. Why? Because this is a serious rp, not darkrp.


You radio'd for backup with two guns pointed at you, and because of -YOUR OWN ACTIONS- you were shot. I stand by the PK tbh

Edited by SomePerson
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