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PK Appeal for Harmann Weber


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Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Harmann Weber

SteamID32: 76561199133353133

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Da Epic Goose

Explain why you were PK'd: They told me I broke fear RP 

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I had a very reasonable distance, between me and the people that were arresting the NSB members , no one was near me nor was I under gun point they were kinda ignoring me so I thought they couldn't hear me from that distance so I used the opportunity to radio in for help.

Additional Information: N/A

Edited by Turais
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Hi there, I'm the staff member that took the ticket and pk'd you.

The definition of fear rp at least from my perspective would be a person not fearing for his life in any shape or form. Now in your case, the "distance" you had wasn't exactly that big, only a couple of steps to the right of your group. The person that noticed that you called for help using your radio, while you were ambushed and arrested by the feld, was the Generaloberst who quickly took action and arrested you as well. The server rules only gives one example in which fear rp can apply but that's not all the situations that you can apply it to. We all know this and it's common that under gun point you can pk'd for not abiding the orders of the person with the weapon but i'd say that's not the only case. Now after you got arrested together with the group, the Generaloberst decided he wants to pk you for fear rp, since myself and him consider that you did not fear for your life or the life of your collages when you called for reinforcements on the radio.

A similar incident happened today in which a hauptmann called on his radio for help while being kidnapped. Be it that it's not the exact same situation, I used this to apply the same thing here.

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He was a good distance from the crowd, and he did not have any guns pointed at him when he used his radio. Therefore, he was not under fear RP.


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