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Jordan Cartersons long overdue Goodbye

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This is my official goodbye to the server and all you oddballs on it. I ran Prometheus in my 2021 Prime and will always be remembered as king of Rome. The whole idea of playing as Nazis is weird racism or not.  I also think for the future the server should require IRL weight above their character. This would keep emersion good and let fatty's get bullied online too. Shoutout my UA Cravfe the realest OG been making impacts forever, and the old drug system. Fishing sucks, who's idea was this? How does this server continuously make civ rp worse?  Having the only source of income being low risk high reward isn't it! Finally I will leave some pictures to honor me with, regardless if you know me, please leave your respects as if I had died. Thank you  

Edit: Apparently I can't leave pictures on my post so fuck you whoever chose that as an option. I will leave a link. https://www.tiktok.com/@thenegativespace00/video/7384921271793929514



Edited by crybaby
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57 minutes ago, veers said:


I dont know who you are either sorry ass boy

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Though I do not know you nor agree with the way you went about making your exit from the community. I wish you the best in your future.

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Ok bye I guess 

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Good Bye.

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