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Flag Appeal

Barry, 63

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Name: Schmidt Fischer

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:79663

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: @Vixx

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: While the server was very low in numbers (around 7 people, 6th of august 7:31am EST time) I prop abused and killed a civ who attempted to steal my car previously. This happened shortly after a sky god abused his own powers mess with my vehicle and make it levitate and bounce all over the map, killing me several times in the process(the logs show this and my guess is it was rose).

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted:  I assumed it was free rein minge hour madness given these circumstances and in a fit of frustration, I did the same to a new civ called Tyrone Black. I didn't bother to take a clip because I didn't have my software open or think it was necessary as nothing happened at this time of day anyway. Vixx saw it and pulled me in a sit and took my flags.

Additional Information: 

Edited by Barry, 63
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Firstly;  Myself and Rose, the other staff online were busy watching this situation unfold within the server. Previous to this I took an RDM ticket where a man claimed to be RDM'd, it was resolved and I told him he tried to steal your car and therefore it was not RDM. This was the situation that ensued your harassment and multiple RDM's of the individual involving your flags.


1st Offence - After this situation, you chose to reverse your car to the Train Station Entrance - after you shot him for trying to steal your car - where you awaited the man to exit the station. Upon his exit you 'Prop Flung' your car into him. Resulting in it exploding and killing him on impact.

2nd Offence - Once you had done this once, you then proceeded to go into the Train Station spawn point and wait for him to spawn, dragging around a prop to kill him on impact. Therefore abusing your flags to 'Prop Kill'.


You admitted to minging with props during the sit, and we spoke in-depth about it with the Senior Moderator in the server too. We decided that because you committed two offences today and had a previous PO for Flag Abuse last weekend that it was applicable to take your flags. I hope you learn from your mistakes and recognise that 'Minge Hour' does not exist and you should not abuse things which you have paid for with your own hard earned money -  claiming staff are killing people when they are not is not a thing which should be accused, nor should it allow for you to then decide you can go around Flag Abusing. We assured you this did not happen and when asked for proof you did not provide, after which you tried to pursue through tickets and OOC when we had already discussed. You have no proof that this occurred and both staff online were with each other watching the situation unfold. - I also find it strange that you have changed your story, when you spoke with us you said it happened once, and now it is multiple times?


I will include this clip for context and blatant proof of your Abuse. 



Edited by Vixx
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I never denied my abuse. I'm upset over the fact that staff can get away with prop abusing us just to take away flags from the players since they should be leading by example.
[DEATH] 10:55:05 UTC - 06/08/2024 - You were killed by N/A
[DEATH] 10:55:41 UTC - 06/08/2024 - You were killed by 10618 [10618]
these are the only traces I have at my disposition showing when I was killed by a member of staff.
I would not make this accusation if I wasn't absolutely sure. I also never changed my story, you are misremembering.

Edited by Barry, 63
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Hey, I’m Rose, the staff member who gave second opinion in this matter.

As seen as the clip you were seen abusing your flags to kill another player. It was also witnessed that you flung your vehicle. As Vixx mentioned previously, we spoke with you with it being two offences and have a previous history, it deemed appropriate to have your flags blacklisted. As for the accusations, please do refrain from that. If you have legitimate accusations and evidence, please do feel to make a player report or a staff report.

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I am not forgetting anything, you stated you died once and you assumed it was staff. These 'Kill ID's are irrelevant.  Your flags were blacklisted at 12:22, over an hour after these ID's. As stated both staff members were present when this happened so there is now way this could have occurred. This does not take away from your Flag Abuse.


As stated by Rose, if you have a valid staff complaint please put it in the correct section and do not try to override your punsihed behaviour with an empty accusation with no proof. Remember- this thread is to reinstate your flags, NOT for a Staff Report


Edited by Vixx
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1. I never contradicted myself nor am I accusing you of lying. It's possible your mind is playing tricks on you, it happens to everyone.
2. as stated before, the kills IDs are a result of a staff member abusing his powers to fling my car around which killed me twice, once near the bank and the second time in front of the station. I appreciate that you have made it clear that "minge hour" is not a valid reason for that kind of behavior, though it was the logical conclusion from my perspective, which I believe makes this incident entirely relevant to my flag appeal.
3. In retrospect, it is unfortunate that I chose not to have medal open. I don't bother typically when the server is so sparsely populated. You have also told me you are new to the server when I talked about the server being more hectic during these hours.

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Your pet flags were reinstated less than 24 hours ago from a previous blacklist, and you have already decided to misuse them by prop killing. You have not learned your lesson.

"Free rein minge hour madness" is not a thing, and is not an excuse for you breaking server rules. Additionally, if you believe members of staff are doing something they shouldn't, then you can report this on the forums instead of taking matters into your own hands by causing more chaos.

You may submit another appeal in two weeks from now.

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