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Apple Appeal/apology


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Name: Apple_strange124/ Franz Rommel

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:562797060

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist:  I dont remember because it was issued over a month ago 

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I had my flags removed due to me accidently inappropriate props. I was fishing in the lake with a couple of my friends and were discussing the props that were added from the servers mods. I said that there were still Nazi ones and how weird it was, I had a auto clicker on and didn't know so the whole time I was spawning in said props. A admin pulled me into a sit and reprimanded me for what I did and took my flags away.

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I recently bought a building and would like to add props into it to make it seem more real for the purpose of RP. I have been intristed in opening a business and when I open in it I want to make it look nice so I would need pet flags back.

Additional Information:  I'm very sorry for having caused said problem if my pet flags are reinstated you have my word that it wont happen again

Edited by Applestrange
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happens alot 

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  • 4 weeks later...


you were posting flags with a symbol that isn't allowed on the server in 2 weeks you can re appeal.

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