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Apple Appeal


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Character's name & rank:  Franz Rommel Assitent MOF

SteamID32:   STEAM_0:1:562797060

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Idk

Explain why you were PK'd:  I was PK'd due to me kidnapping a government official

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  During the court case my lawyer had the only valid real evidence thrown out due to it not being signed by any officer, due to this the offense only had witness statements. Some of these were valid however a couple of the statements were power gamed. An example of this was when one officer who is unknown was in the stand, he first claimed that he did not know who kidnapped him, when asked again he claimed to have remembered and stated that it was me and it matched the clothes I was wearing. Earlier in the day when the kidnapping took place, I was wearing a trench coat. In conclusion I believe my PK should be appealed because the statement was forged and given by person who was not at the scene of the crime, and many other statements given by the "witnesses" were false.

Additional Information:  The only real valid evidence which was thrown out in the beginning of the trial 



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Hello Im the staff member that apporved your PK

it was a court order and you were charged with kidnapping and was sentenced to life ( hence the PK ) 

in the end you were tried and convicted 

here is the court order : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gELk27aW0-KHJWIuixYk65oVeoNVbhp9vTEpxF2kmg8/edit

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This is an In character issue which should be resolved through roleplay.

Since you were sentanced to life in Prison, in Roleplay your character is still alive and you can arrange to appeal your life sentance In court.

I'd recommend reaching out to a MOJ Richter on Discord to arrange the opportunity to appeal your life sentance.

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