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Keeping Civilian RP, Civilian RP


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Description of the idea: Adding more civilian opportunities; Jobs, housing & RP. 

Why should this be added?: I understand the nature of the server & its politics based RP. However civilian RP plays a key part into making factions (and various RPs) have purpose. Currently civilians have essentially 2 options to become a criminal (Drug based / illegal weapons - leading to crime) & or join a faction. Which leads into another issue plaguing the server, minging. Every faction is dying for starving for members, which leads every recruiting officer to the civ spawn, leading to people with zero previous playtime into joining factions, regardless of whether or not factions recruiting guidelines are met it still becomes a huge issue, because recruiters who are pressured into constantly recruiting dont necessarily care whether or not they follow guidelines. IN SHORT; Civilians need more opportunities relating to being a civilian, as all current options lead to civilians no longer being civilians.

What negatives could this have?:  Less people to be recruited into factions & more members staying in the civilian field.

Additional information: AGAIN; I understand the nature of the server, however civilian RP is very important. Whether or not the roleplay centers around factions, having new players joining these factions DOESNT HELP. As most of these new players will just troll and then proceed to leaving the server, the alternative being; these civilians stay civilians and have to play the server longer in order to be into a position to troll (GIVING NEW PLAYERS LONGER TO SEE THE NATURE OF THE SERVER). 

Apologies for it being somewhat repetitive. 

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Not sure to what extent housing would work with the current limitations on the map. Regardless, I do think having more civilians on the server (from introducing more incentives for them) could actually lead to less of the "faction Vs faction" stuff going on at the moment. Which in my opinion could be beneficial for creating a more passive RP experience on the server. I definitely also see the benefits of discouraging minges being recruited because they are beyond frustrating to deal with 😅

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As a LAPO CO, i agree 100%, having more civilians does make things more intresting for everyone, having independent newspapers, stores, transactions, etc.
it makes the server spin when there's no civil war.

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civilians can already lease houses and start businesses, could you suggest something new that isn't already a feature on the server for civilian roleplay?


Edited by Jack
  • Chad 1
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Me and sparrow have no issues coming up with good civilian ideas. 

tiny china is a great example of successful civilian rp.

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28 minutes ago, Layheeee said:

Me and sparrow have no issues coming up with good civilian ideas. 

tiny china is a great example of successful civilian rp.


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  • 2 weeks later...

-1 I got to recruit these civs lol

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I am a firm believer that we need more stuff for CIVs to do. As you can imagine, it's pretty hard to come up with things for them not to get used to because they join factions anyway.
Civ characters are never really main characters, in my opinion. I suppose having a civ faction to rival any faction would be difficult, and nine times out of the ten when we all know a specific civ group is neck deep into drug dealing, they're usually the last thing on the LAPO's mind to go in there and sort it out. 

I suppose we could work on more CIV jobs.

- MOP couriers 

- Tiny China paid security work 

- Private investigators 

- Maybe even a black market weapons dealer ( Approval would be needed for this and would be a highly trusted position ) 

These are all ideas; for any of this to work, it must follow all the rules and fit into the server without posing issues, which I know can be difficult sometimes!

Something which I would love to see is the Kontinental actually being used for something by a hotel chain where people can buy rooms to make drugs or something. Such a big building not being used for anything is a pity. 

I also agree that getting first time players into factions, discords, and set up into uniforms can be a long process which they sometimes don't quite understand, so having an option for them to get a little taster of the server doing something else to begin with might assist in keeping some players playing for the long term. 

Anyway, I strongly support this idea, but next time, when writing a suggestion, come up with a few ideas so the staff team can see you've genuinely thought about it. 



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+1 - Not sure what exactly you'd have people implement but I agree with entire preface of not approaching people as soon as they spawn and basically kidnapping them into joining. There is no benefit for either the faction nor the player as 90% of the time the player ends up not coming back or getting themself PKd for not knowing the rules.

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