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Ban Appeal


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Your Name:  Pun Gun

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):STEAM_0:0:634759308

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?:  I forgot 

How long is your ban for?: Perma

Why were you banned?: Global Rule 1 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  Well this goes back maybe a year and a half ago and what happened was I said "Fuck you denning" and I got banned for a week and then when I waited it out I came back next week to see that I was permabanned. Now I know that Denning is banned too, and we all know the things he did and how sick of a person he is but I would rather never want to talk to him ever again and I want nothing to do with him. Also I just want to say sorry to those I bothered and I would like to come back in and have fun with my friends who are waiting for me.
Thank you.

Additional Information: None

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You got told to wait 2 months before making a new appeal and it's only been a week

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6 minutes ago, Jack said:

You got told to wait 2 months before making a new appeal and it's only been a week

All I did was said fuck you to denning and got perma

And also why do I have to wait two months for something thats not even a rule 

Edited by PunGun
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1 minute ago, PunGun said:

All I did was said fuck you to denning and got perma


Okay, You still decided to ignore the word of an UA member and just posted another appeal. If you wanted to appeal earlier you have to seek permission for that. If you did seek permission then you can ignore my comment.

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1 minute ago, Doofles said:

Okay, You still decided to ignore the word of an UA member and just posted another appeal. If you wanted to appeal earlier you have to seek permission for that. If you did seek permission then you can ignore my comment.

I asked a Superadmin if I could make another appeal

I dont know another way to put it but this is the most stupid reason to be banned for. 


Edited by PunGun
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As I said on your last ban appeal which was 10 days ago...

You can make a new ban appeal in two months.

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