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Unban Request


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Your Name: Kavmoin

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0  76561199051223110

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute.

Which staff member banned you?:  Marshal 

How long is your ban for?: 7 days

Why were you banned?: MRDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned? This ban occurred without me being online; therefore, I could not reason and discuss what happened with an admin. Furthermore, attempts to reach out to the staff member who banned me have been neglected after sufficient time to respond has been given. I have had no chance to explain what happened as I am unsure what insistence resulted in the ban in the first place, which was a surprise. I hope this ban can be lifted because I am an active community member and firmly believe the 7-day ban was unjust and unclear. 



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23 hours ago, kavmoin said:

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0  76561199051223110

How do you fuck this up? 😭 

  • Devastated 1
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Hello, in the future, ensure you put the correct Steam ID whenever you appeal your bans—but I was the moderator who banned you and your buddy.

You and Mr. Terry A. Davis had raided the bank several times, dying and coming back afterward, killing and randomly shooting anyone inside. I had received several reports about the matter and witnessed it firsthand. Whenever I found, you were both actively mugging people randomly in the middle of the street. Upon my banning Mr. Davis, you instantly left the server. 

You already had a prior for NITRP, so that only helped to increase your sentence.

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Hound idk who you are but hop off it will ya ubddy? 

Marshal, that's false. The group was cooking up drugs in the safe, and as an officer, it was my duty to come back; they shot at me first. That's a clear abuse of power by you for looking over those important facts and ignoring them in your report. In addition, I wasn't "mugging people randomly"; I was enforcing traffic laws, which you, as a mod, should know Lapo often does. However, based on your incompetence, it is no surprise you couldn't put that together. Next time, look thoroughly into a situation before banning someone. They were cooking up drugs, and they shot at me multiple times; as an officer, of course, I came by and tried to stop them. I recommend you learn how to do your job better. 

  • KEKW 1
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9 hours ago, kavmoin said:

Hound idk who you are but hop off it will ya ubddy? 

Oh. Ok.



  • Cringe 1
  • KEKW 1
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