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thomas mullers banned appeal


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Your Name: laylaxlisle

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:876235065

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology

Which staff member banned you?: i don't know

How long is your ban for?: permanently

Why were you banned?: LTAP and PO

why do you deserve to be unbanned?:

Today, my cousin came around my house, and I told him about this server on gmod called imperial Germany rp. He wanted to play it but despite me being banned he decided to make a new account without either of us knowing the consequences. After he made the alt account, he logged into the server and was about to play, but before he customized his character he got banned permanently. I didn't know the reason for the permanent because I am still a new player to the server and not knowing the reasons how you can get banned for. After that i decided to show him how long it would take until i was unbanned again but when i showed him it said permanent. I don't know what it was due to at first but as i asked a friend i found out what had happened. I'm sorry for what i did but if i knew what the consequences were i would of never of done this. 



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3 hours ago, laylaxlisle said:

my cousin

You think anyone actually believes this?

Regardless, it is your job as a player to be informed of our rules and abide by them (this is a violation of Global Rule #11)

You were originally banned by @Valefor 7 days.

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Thank you for responding to my appeal slug.

I didn't know where the rules were, no one informed me of where i could find the rules.

Now that i have found the rules I know what i have done wrong and I'm so sorry for violating global rule 11.

If I am ever able to play on the server again, I will abide by all the rules.

I hope you allow me to have a second chance, because this is the only server on gmod that I actually enjoy.

And I agree that i should be banned for my previous actions.


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Edited by Vale
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You can remake this appeal in no less than 30 days with an apology for attempting to ban evade, as well as an apology for lying to us in your appeal.

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