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theepicbenster's staff app


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name: theepicbenster



Discord Username/ID: thebensterwhowins#0990

Timezone: EST

Age: 17

Time Played (check with !time): Since server was reset, it is now 2h. However I had about 2w before the reset.

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes (I got a new swag one)

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes (not on fourms yet since yet ANOTHER reset)

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: alexjones

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): None

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Oberstleutant Phillipus Streicher
The 3rd in Command of the Heer with the position of Stv.Regimentskoummander, who works tirelessly to serve in the army and the Kaiser

How long have you been roleplaying?: 1 year and 2 months

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:
I'm not aware of any notes at the moment, I don't remember ever receiving any but I could be wrong.

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?
I worked on a DarkRP server as staff, I sadly cannot provide the name because it's long lost.

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:
You should pick me because i've been playing for awhile, and i've seen clips, tips and guides on how to do staff stuff, this is what I believe personally already makes me a good fit, and I wouldn't have any real issues with doing my job professionally. I have managed to get a much better work schedule, which will allow me to be on multiple hours daily if needed in the afternoon, so if you ever never an flexible and a person with a good time zone and work ethic, then I would absolutely have that nailed down for ya. I've been actively involved in the community for quite awhile, and there are alot of people who know me and can attest that i'm a responsible and capable person, as i've worked in other fields before, and pretty much understand every corner of the server and know my in and outs of different and complex situations that I will probably have to handle as staff. I can read the rules like a book as well, I know everything you need to know about that, like RDM, VDM, PO's, NITRP, NRL, I could go on and on about that. But you could literally give me a term in the comments and I would nail it. I've got plenty of knowledge and the skillset to do the proper and adequate tasks as a staff members, and I would be very humbled to be able to serve, as i've been wanting to for a quite a bit of time now. So overall, i've answered the questions you may have about me and ask like, "Why should I hire this person?", "What would they bring to the table?" i've fixed up the issues on my first staff app of low community engagement, and I am now a full-fledged community member and would absolutely LOVE to be a staff member in this community.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

When approaching the duties, it might seem complicated at first, however on a deeper delve, the duties of staff can be complex and difficult, as well as fastly moving/shaping, but you have a main duty and job you stick to as a staff member. First off, your not a community member, your a community LEADER now, and engaging with your community and reaching out is very important. It's fine to want to keep your staff stuff to yourself, but being an engaged and actively fun person is important. Doing your job like awnsering tickets, getting rid of people like minges who just want to ruin the RP for most people, and doing what your told, and what your supposed to do. There's three words that start with C that can also pretty well sum up good ways to do your job, which I mentioned last application, but they are Coordination, Cooperation, and Command. You have to be able to Coordinate with your fellow staff members, and community members to ensure stuff gets done, and everything is running properly. With Cooperation, we've all heard the phrase "No man Rules Alone", and just change it to "No man staffs alone." as you have to do a team effort to ensure that things are going smoothly, after all, Teamwork makes the Dreamwork. And with command, you have to be prepared to iniative, and dont be afraid. Command is a proper part of life we all learn, and you must be able to do it effectively as staff, along with juggling all the other duties listed above.
Thank for reading, and have a lovely day-benster

Edited by theepicbenster
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  • theepicbenster changed the title to theepicbenster's staff app

+1 great guy (I'm adamski e)

Edited by MrPaladin
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+1  I’ve known him for a short period of time but he definitely has what it takes to be a strong leader and he would make a wonderful moderator!

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11 hours ago, theepicbenster said:

SteamID32: 76561199066166173

neutral also incorrect steam id format  


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Using the old Discord Tag (with #0000) suggests that this application was copy-pasted from a previous application to staff on the older forums. His new discord tag is "thebensterwhowins", without the tag, which proves he manually changed his tag to such when promted to do so a few months back. Those who didn't manually change their tag, received random tags. The SteamID is also the wrong one.


Edited by valyy
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Changed, my apoligies. (Also it was an honest mistake dude, I had forgotten that changed.)

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He fixed everything; he's experienced, +1

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HUGE +1 from me 

Played loads together in lots of different departments a genuine good guy I have nothing bad to say about him.
Most definitely would be a good fit for the staff team.

Good luck Bro !!

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