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Not Pick up that cans ban Appeal

not pick up that can

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Your Name: not pick up that can

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199384169620

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Colt1111

How long is your ban for?:  5 Days

Why were you banned?: RDM and LTARP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Hello! First off, I would like to start this appeal on the RDM. I was not aware of any of the RDM I had committed as a Staff member had checked the logs for me and couldn't find any Information on the RDM I committed as the last time someone had died to me was 2 hours and 40 minutes before I had logged off. On the LTARP part I was fishing for the night and right as I about to get off I was tied up by a Random civilian. I apologize for this as it was a gap in my judgement and since it was late at night I didn't want to get stuck in the fishing animation.

Additional Information: N/A

Edited by not pick up that can
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After speaking with @Colt1111it has been decided that this ban will be voided.

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