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PK Appeal: Frank Rossi


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Character's name & rank: Oberst Frank Rossi

SteamID32: 76561198000905912

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): I know only the staff member who PKed me which is Owen, but not the Admin who approved it.

Explain why you were PK'd: While at the Reichstag with one of my men and the General der Infanterie, two people that I don't know the faction of but they weren't NSB or KSD, asked me for ID as they were talking about me being aggressive before. I politely refused to do so and waited for a bit more with the General before we were all on our way back. Those two then advertised for NSB to come to the Reichstag because I was being aggressive and blocked the way out. I managed to leave though, and by then a KSD member showed up and one NSB member was at the front entrance which I walked by. Now up until this point they hadn't raised any weapons at me and were threatening to detain me. I jumped off the Reichstag steps down below which is when I broke their line of sight and pulled my gun out which is when they also raised theirs and ordered me to stop. My soldier with me who was behind them opened fire and that's when I also opened fire before dying. Then I was pulled into a sit and was told I would be getting PKed for fearrp.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: It was generally dumb for all of this to be caused by a request for ID and while I do agree that I probably should have just shown them the ID, I broke no fearrp rules. I was ordered to stop yes but nobody had a gun pointed at me which did not put me under fearrp and I was managing to get out of the building. I was also generally not being surrounded or cornered by anyone as I managed to evade them and they only started pointing a gun at me by the time I already had my Mauser pistol out making fearrp invalid. They also did not manage to outnumber me for fearrp to apply as my men were right behind them and practically as soon as we both had guns out at each other, my man opened fire before I also opened fire and was killed. In short, I did not start a gun fight, I had no guns pointed at me until I already had my pistol out which invalidates fearrp and I was not surrounded or outnumbered for it to be considered fearrp. 

Additional Information: The admin who reviewed the clip told the admin that PKed me that it was fearrp due to them having their guns out and ordering me to stop, I will agree that in the clip its hard to see if I have a pistol out or not, however when I stop the pistol is already raised meaning I had it out already and off the safety.  Besides that, I think this was a very stupid way to get PKed and I apologize for not trying to de-escalate the situation on my part but no PK rule applied to this situation as far as I know.

Edited by MrPaladin
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Hey dude, I was involved in the incident.


We encountered you earlier in the day outside of the fishing pond in the park. We were lightly teasing you and your group when you went overboard and ordered your men to ready their arms against us. No gunfights erupted as a result of it, but you confessed to having given the prior mentioned order though refused to identify yourself.


As luck would have it, we found you later on outside of the Vice Chancellor's office with General Brandt and ONE other soldier of your company. I mentioned your behavior to General Brandt, asked for your identification, and stated I had a policing commission, but you refused multiple times to identify yourself. I told you that if you didn't give us your identification, we'd be forced to call the NSB to the scene and have things escalate from there. It was at this point that Brandt tried to make a speedy retreat, and you followed along. I was able to call the NSB and we made it very clear to you that you wouldn't be leaving without identifying yourself to us.


You bolted, and we gave chase. Here's a clip of the incident.


In your appeal, you're exaggerating and, to a point, lying about your side of the story. The clip shows that you didn't have a weapon pulled at the time, that you were under gunpoint, that we TOLD you that you were under gunpoint while you were running away, and even when you broke line of sight for a literal second did you not pull a weapon out. At the same time when you finally did pull a weapon, your friend started shooting at people at the Reichstag's steps. We were then forced to shoot you and that was the end of the incident.


Hope this clears things up for you.


Edited by dog
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1 hour ago, MrPaladin said:

I broke no fearrp rules.

Yes, you did. You ran away while they were screaming repeatedly, "I have weapons on you." Literal textbook FearRP break.


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