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Staff report Against Coffee

Communist Kermit

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Your Name: Rudolph von Scninkle
SteamID32: 76561198435876850

Staff Member's Name(s): Coffee
Staff Member's SteamID32(s): Unknown

Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each):  Very disrespectful completely arguementative 

Evidenc. Bans someone for disagreeing with him / using him as an example of a situation  (Videos/Screenshots): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/izjSCzcXzyE5CEiFY/d1337jVv6cyS?invite=cr-MSxtN1osMTYwMjkxNDM3LA

Additional Information:  Dude has no chill bans people for placing toilets outside tiny china as a RP skit saying thier shit. Comes in abusing ban perms to ban someone hes in a disagreement with. Completely unfit for staff not unbiased not fit for duty.

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Hello there I'm the reported staff member in my response I'll provide my side of the story.

It seems as if you left out a lot of context to this situation and just included the last 30 seconds or so of our entire interaction.

Let's start with how this situation started in the first place.

So a civilian was standing next to the Reichstag steps and you just ran up to him and shot him in the head for no reason what so ever so I then shot you for killing an innocent civilian for no reason.

You then made a RDM ticket on me and Seiker was the member of staff who took the ticket for your report and then Seiker brought me into the sit where I tried to explain my reasoning for shooting you.

As I was trying to explain my side of the story you constantly interrupted me and did not allow me to speak until I made it clear to you that I would no longer speak at all If you continued interrupting me.

I then finished explaining my reasoning for shooting you and then began to explain that you was the one who RDM'd in this particular situation and I provided General rule 2 in LOOC and even read it out to you to try and explain to you how you broke the rules.

2. You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone.

Then your response to this was "Shit better ban half the server lol" "Then damn we better ban half th server. cuz it happens a ton".

You then started the "Well other people do it and it's fine but when I do it It's wrong?" argument I then started to explain to you how this is wrong and you started shouting at me and told me to "Shut the fuck up".

You then tried to start punching me in the sit to which you were then dragged away by Seiker and told to stop.

You then started to call out the entire staff team and saying that "It takes hours for staff to take tickets" "Staff don't deal with tickets and let people RDM" and saying essentially that the staff team are failing to do their jobs.

You then called me out specifically by saying "Coffee is failing to do his job and take RDM tickets" and I then asked you when this situation happened were their other staff members online and you responded by saying "Yeah there was 6 members of staff online" then you started to say "Why are you not instructing other staff members to take tickets" and to make this clear and you even said this yourself that this was apparentently over two weeks ago. Then the clip you provided was my response which is the only clip you provided for some reason.

I honestly find this very disrespectful because not only is it not true its also that staff members are volunteers for the server who actively contribute and help the community and for you to call out the entire staff team on a claim that is not even true is absolutely ridiculous.

Now I'll make it clear that all I did for this situation when I came to the sit was attempt to provide my side of the story and even explain the rules to you to help you follow them so you can avoid getting punished for breaking the server rules yourself even when you intial report was made against me.

So now I'll provide the list of why you were banned: NITRP, RDM, ARDM In a staff sit, you being incredibly disrespectful during this staff sit and you also have prior offences for NITRP and breaking the server rules.

From the way you acted both In roleplay and out of roleplay I decided that you needed to take a short break from the server so you could calm down and actually read the rules to get a better understanding of the rules and server overall.

I'm also very willing to shorten your ban or even outright remove your ban if you were to acknowledge that overall what you did was wrong.

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A few points.

  1. Coffee is a member of Upper Administration, and is permitted to issue punishments for situations he is a part of.
  2. Do not try to frame you placing toilet props outside a business is some 'RP skit'. It's you being a minge. Don't try and lie about that.
  3. The clip you provided and the explanation of the situation are completely at odds with eachother. Your clip doesn't show nearly enough context, and doesn't show Coffee doing anything inherently wrong based on whatever little context it does provide. Staff reports require much more evidence than this.

This ban will remain on your record, and this complaint is denied in its entirety. If you're able to find more evidence to support this complaint, you may send me a DM over Discord (@ser_hound)

  • Chad 3
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