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Nomad's Trusted Application


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Steam Name: Nomad

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:105072051

Discord Username/ID:  .the.wandering.nomad.

Are you VIP?: Yes

Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 2w 3d 19h 47m (Had around 1 month prior to wipe)

Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: 

Karl Miller, Staatsminister & Plenipotentiary of War: As the Staatsminister, Karl Miller's purpose is to be the head of the administration office of the German Chancellery; he implements mandates and policies to ensure Ministries within the German Chancellery function accordingly and on time. Additionally, Karl Miller holds that title as "Plenipotentiary of War"; which holds the responsibilities of being the Royal Advisor of War Related Material, the position is used to coordinate and implement the Kaisers will within different organizations that participate in the war effort.

Josef von Aachen, Regierungsrat: Josef von Aachen is a Clearance 3 Ouroboros researcher, he holds a egotistical mindset focused on bettering Germany through the use of "extreme" science and research. He has submitted research reports regarding the neuroscience behind the Human mind and its functions.  

Wolfgang von Kiel, Anwalt: Wolfgang von Kiel is a short-serving Landespolizei Officer that was trialed unjustly, in which he was found innocent but betrayed by his fellow officers, he is now a private attorney working with his close partner to conduct court trials.

What will you use the trusted rank for?: The Trusted Rank will be used to perform my activities as my main character, Karl Miller, as standing as the current Staatsminister, Plenipotentiary of War, and the Stv.Director of the VSK. Part of my responsibilities is setting up members who join the state or the office of the minister of state, as well as conducting the same purpose within the administration teams of the VSK.  

Staff Recommendations: Marshal

Edited by Nomad
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Strong application

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