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Ban Appeal - WWII GMOD

Booty Chicken

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Your Name: Booty Chicken

Steam: STEAM_0:1:765306403

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Vixx

How long is your ban for?:  5 Days

Why were you banned?: Abusing Exploit

How's it going to everybody reading this, I'm writing this ban appeal because I truly believe that I shouldn't be banned right now, yes this is a dispute, but for a good reason. In the first clip that is posted below, I showed this military officer my ID then I tried to tie him, keep in mind I didn't know this was bannable and I didn't end up completely trying him, I only attempted too. Vixx pulled me into a sit and told me that doing this is exploiting shown in the second clip. When he pulled me I had no notes about me doing this ID exploit the closest note was me doing the splint glitch, which is where someone applies a splint on you then you tie them but this was just a note and I never got banned for it because I never did it again after I got told not to do it anymore. Vixx decided to not give me a verbal nor a note instead he chose to ban me banned. In my mind I thought this is RP, think about it, someone ask for your ID and secretly you cuff them while they are not paying attention (that's how I look at it). Then he told me I was going to be banned for 4 days but Instead I was actually banned for 5 days. No hate to Vixx but I believe the reason he banned me was not because of the exploit I did but because how many notes I have even though none of them were correlated with the ID exploit. I'm currently working on removing some of the notes if it is even possible to get rid of notes. But, yeah I am not even trying to play victim, I truly believed he banned me just cause I have a lot of notes.



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Hi there Booty Chicken, thank you for taking the time to write this Appeal.


Firstly, you are absolutely correct - your ban was extended due to your Previous Offenses. However next time please write the reasons for your ban properly. You were banned for breaking Mugging Rule 8.1, Exploiting & PO'S- Firstly, I find it hard to believe you 'didn't know this was bannable.' as you have had multiple warnings and notes from the past as you mention here about the MedKit and the Splint. I explained to you in the sit and will again here that abusing Server UI is exploiting. Lets go over your Previous Offences.


July 12th - Tying people whilst being Healed | Exploiting sever UI. Ban if found doing again. - Repeat Exploit.


Exploiting - You were getting people to apply MedKits in order to tie them as they could not move nor see the 'You are being Tied' UI Bar. After being told you could not do this you moved to doing the same thing with Splints. You were a repeat offender for this and after multiple interactions you continued until you were banned for it. This has now happened again with the situation you were banned for by using 'Show ID' to disadvantage the person and stop them from moving while you attempt to tie them.

Mugging Rule 8.1 - 

  1. You may not mug in a public place. You can; however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around). Ex: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area.

Please read over this as I instructed you, you attempted to mug someone in the open interior of a Military Compound. That is not following this rule whatsoever. You had ample opportunity to RP this out correctly, you could have mugged the person in a secluded or less public space- Abiding by 8.1 - and tied him up without Exploiting the Server UI.


Previous Offences were brought into account, your multiple Bans and Notes for NITRP and previous Exploiting and Mugging rule breaches played into the time of your Ban. This time was set at my discretion and I believe it is perfectly reasonable. Please refrain from offending again and you will not be banned. 


If you have any more questions or concerns, write them below.

Edited by Vixx
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You have a few POs for this and you still do not seem to learn and you know exactly what you are doing.

Vixx also provides you with a perfect explanation as to why you were banned so I'd recommend reading his response.

During your ban I'd recommend reading the rules.

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