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Altoid - Ban appeal


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Your Name: Altoid

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:567801681

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology and Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Ryan

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: Exile (+ massive PO's)

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:


I was banned permanently for community exile with about 8+ other people, I'm not entirely sure what they did, I'm sure it was justified. I'm not sure why I was banned for being associated with the server lordvague made I was a trial-mod and was barely involved roleplay wise I was just sort of in it because it was a server my friend made and he invited me to it. I am aware there were several allegations that lordvague and whomever else made against whoreson and whoever else, I want to clarify that in no way did I condone that and I also want to highlight the fact that in no way whatsoever was I part of this, when the drama begun I did leave the discord server and never ended up reconnecting to the actual gmod server as well due to the fact that I did not want to be part what was going on. I don't believe that me being so barely part of the server caused for me being permanently banned.


I understand that I also had a massive amount of PO's (Notes, and bans) and this could be a part of the reason to ban me as it was shown that I cause trouble. I do apologies for what I did, a lot of my PO's are for things like RDM, VDM, stuff that could have been avoided by simply thinking before doing and for that I apologies, I do take responsibility for this and in no way am I trying to justify all the shit I did, a lot of it being minge activities like Johnny Alfredo or John Spaghetti. One of my last moments on the server was Hound changing my name and me responding to it by changing my name to "John Horizon Networks" which was incredibly petty and disrespectful and I am sorry to hound for doing that as I understand that it could be frustrating and annoying. I've done a lot of stuff, some stuff I could do to avoid this in the future is somewhat simple and it's "think before I do" which is something I have been working on and I can confidently say that my attitude has improved positively as this was also one of my main issues (having a poor attitude) I completely understand if you guys don't want to unban me, I wouldn't want to unban me I have a long long long list of notes and it shows that I just don't learn. There's not many things I can do to prove that I can learn because of the fact that I'm banned and that I have so many notes and it shows a pattern. I would like a chance to prove that I have indeed changed and that I can follow the rules and roleplay properly and without being a minge. I am requesting not a full unban but it to be shortened to reasonable time if not full unban, as I do understand that what I did is completely worthy of a permanent ban, I completely deserve this permanent ban but I am requesting it to be shortened because I am genuinely sorry for my actions and I want to prove to you guys that I have changed and I would appreciate another chance to show that my attitude is no longer poor and that I can get along with others.

Additional Information: 

It's been about 2 months since my ban and I have had a long time to think about my actions and how I can change them, I am sorry and hope that whoever reviews this can recognize that and hopefully give me another chance.

Edited by Altoid
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unbearable moron who will only cause problems if they return



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 This guy is a repeat offender

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30 minutes ago, Altoid said:

I am aware there were several allegations that lordvague and whomever else made against whoreson and whoever else, I want to clarify that in no way did I condone that and I also want to highlight the fact that in no way whatsoever was I part of this, when the drama begun I did leave the discord server and never ended up reconnecting to the actual gmod server as well due to the fact that I did not want to be part what was going on. I don't believe that me being so barely part of the server caused for me being permanently banned.

Two things.

  1. This section I've quoted where you claim ignorance is ignorant at best, and a complete lie at worst. Every single member of UA, myself included, who went into that Discord saw you specifically make inflammatory comments directed at Prometheus. While you may not have been as "bad" as the others in terms of what you said, you were most definitely involved, and you most definitely took part. 
  2. On a separate note, prior to this incident, you were given multiple 'final chances' to correct your behavior and cease being a nuisance. I have serious doubts that this is the real new leaf you're turning over. You consistently promise to be better, and then get banned again only days later. 

If I were the only person that had to put up with you, I would have an easier time reconsidering your ban. However, we have 30+ staff members who give their freetime to the server, and I don't really think I should punish any of them by making them deal with you... again...

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Not once have I made a comment against Prometheus, lordvague also does not recall this happening.



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I did not in any way take part in the defamation against Prometheus, I was not part of it and was not even in the discord when it all took place. In fact I remember telling lordvague to not involve me whatsoever as I did not want to be part of it.


I just want another chance to prove that I have changed and that I am able to follow the rules and not be a minge.


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  • Hound locked this topic

As this is an Exile, It will be referred to Global Administration for deliberation.

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  • Hound unlocked this topic

Too many chances given,  and not seeing any change from your behavior.



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  • Verax locked this topic
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