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Tables Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Tables

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:434954440

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: CheekiThroax

How long is your ban for?: 4 Days

Why were you banned?: NLR and LTARP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I didn't even leave the game while in my roleplay situation. My friends were getting arrested, and I killed the people arresting them, and they kept repeating the same situation over and over again. My friend decided that he couldn't handle it and wanted to leave who is willing to admit to this if needed since he was the one who LTARP'd. I proceeded to go hide somewhere in the map with my remaining friends, who managed to escape from the people trying to arrest them, and we were processing drugs while waiting for the heat to die down. I then see a few minutes later I am banned for LTARP and NLR. I never once got off my character while freeing my friends and didn't even NLR, which is odd that I got banned.

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Hi, yes I am the person who issued the ban I am not currently able to get to my PC as at work however when I took the ticket and checked logs you had been disconnected by user and also you had broken NLR as the person who reported the situation had killed you multiple times I want to say at least 6-7 times while trying to arrest you with other lapo members, that being said I didn't even realise at the time but if we are going of pk guidelines you should also be PK'd.


Once I get to my PC I will find the evidence to support my claims


Many thanks,


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Hey Cheeki,

I never once got off my character or disconnected at all so I don't know where you got that in the logs unless you thought I was someone else. I also never broke NLR since I was the one shooting the people trying to arrest my guys? They kept coming back over and over and were repeating the same thing, kind of odd but whatever since it's apparently allowed. My only problem is that you banned me for something I didn't even do. I also never broke NLR and if I remember correctly, I didn't even die during the situation since I made it out alive to go hide somewhere but if you have the evidence of this when you come back I would like to see it so we can continue.

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@Tableswas actively playing on the server when they were banned for LTARP.


Appeal: Accepted
Ban: Voided
Thread: Locked

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