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Polizeikommandeur Heyo Groll PK appeal


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Character's name & rank:  Polizeikommandeur Heyo Groll

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:468481377

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): 

Administrator Dawg 

Explain why you were PK'd: 

I was PKd on Heyo Groll on court order, on the charges of ( I am getting them from my Pk log given by a member of the Staff Team)

1x Breach of Security 

1x Espoinage

1x Revolutionary Activity 

1x Subversion of State Security 

1x Subversion of German Society 

1x Contempt towards officials

1x Insubordination 

1x Gross Incompetence 

1x Obstruction of Official duties 

1x Public Disorderliness

1x Disorderly Conduct near a Government Building 

1x Impersonation of a State Official 

1x Criminal Negligence, Endangerment, and recklessness

1x Malingering 

1x General Article


Why should you be un-PK'd?: 

Well, I strongly believe I should be unPKd for a multitude of reasons. One of the reasons considering I believe this trial was a kangaroo court. I say this considering, I was charged with contempt of court 2 times before the trial ever started. After the trial started, an NSB agent adverted that I envoked the party courts (which I did before the trial was ever even started) making the trial even more illegal. After he adverted that, rose (The presiding richter) came down from the stand and told me and I quote “you are fucked” After this, I was brought into the office of the richterprasident blindfolded and shot in the head without the approving staff (dawg) ever greeting me and stating that I was being PKd on this guideline. I stand by this opinion considering, I was never given a chance for even an opening statement, nor giving me the set of charges. Basically making me go into a court of law, and guaranteeing I never walk out. 

Another reason, I believe strongly the richter was bias for the other side considering he immediately denied my request for the Party Courts to hear my case. The presiding richter on my case has been involved in my other cases favoring the NSB in all of them. Also, the richter brought me into the trial with me having no knowledge at all stated before not even knowing my own charges which I only found out when I got the PK log my charges, giving me no chance at all to walk out of there with my character alive. The only reason I saw a court trial was because when I was detained by the NSB, I was told I failed a Political Ideology test (which I have a document to prove I didn’t, I also believe they copied the document with my signature on it, for the deputy of the ISB to sign without my permission, considering during my interrogation the ISB Chief nor anyone never looked at the document I was provided to sign originally, even then the ISB chief stated my answers word for word, very weird in my opinion. I was being given two option by NSB-Generalinspektor Friedrich Weber (gator) and NSB-Generalinspektor Diedrich Fuchs (sevv) sign a confession affidavit (and most likely make the GVZ become a puppet to the NSB), or just get shot in a trial. I refused the affidavit like a normal human being, and I was taken to a kangaroo court.


3rd Reason, 

The prosecutor blantly stacked charges like the disorderly conduct charges etc etc, and pressed charges I have never done like Malingering (even though the character served in the Armed Forces as the Chief of the Military Secret Service). They tried to stack charges in an attempt to overwhelm my defense, and slowly wear me out considering in the police courts I would have to individually prove that was not guilty of each charge, prolonging my trial and my Perma Kill of my character Heyo Groll.


4th Reason,


The trial was blantly powergame, It was power game considering the richter found me Guilty and shot me before I was given an opening statement, or given a time to present evidence to defend my character and his reputation. Making the trial blantly illegal in IC terms, and a Kangaroo court.

Additional Information: 

I am happy to give the deciding UA member any documentation relevant to my PK appeal. Or anything needed to ensure a fair verdict on my Appeal. Edit: Dawg the approving administrator also took my characters job, making it an obvious conflict of interest.

Edited by nugget
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2 hours ago, nugget said:

I believe this trial was a kangaroo court

I am not adding any Input for any preferred outcome but I see this a lot and just wish to Clarify, A Kangaroo Court is something that is an IC issue. Of course, there are Blantant ways where if they're trying to kill you without valid reason and using charges against you that don't apply or never happened that is another story, You can't die for something you didn't do or Cause BUT if a Person or organization wishes to rig a court in their favor its not against the guidelines and is ultimately and IC Roleplay issue. Beyond that just wished to clarify any confusion as both sides on that topic good luck.

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Hello, It was I who issued your PK.

When it comes to court PK's the only reason a court trial would be overturned is for two reasons. 

A). The court trial killed you for something you actually had 0 involvement in. 

Your character was openly mass detaining NSB individuals with no reasoning hence the charges.

B). The court trial did not have proper jurisdiction. Eg. A member of the Interior being trialed in military courts. 

To address this in order. 

A). The court trial was completely valid in reasoning and was executed correctly in roleplay. 
B). The court trial had proper jurisdiction. It does not matter if you advertised for a party courts or not. 

The interior courts are established to trial interior members. All interior members are party members. 
If the Interior could not trial there members because they all had to go to party courts there would not be a interior courts. 
Kangeroo courts as Aurelius said are an IC issue. 

Your trial was legitimate and there was valid RP to justify a trial. 
Best of luck but I maintain my ruling. 

It is well known that you may be trialed within the Police Courts as per the soul reason they exist. Even though you are a party member, All interior members are 

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1 hour ago, dawg said:

Your character was openly mass detaining NSB individuals with no reasoning hence the charges

I don’t think detaining one NSB for insulting a superior commissioned, is not “Mass Detaining NSB”. I don’t believe you are completely educated on this situation at all.


1 hour ago, dawg said:

A). The court trial was completely valid in reasoning and was executed correctly in roleplay.

Huh? This court trial was not even close to being executed correctly in roleplay, the trial was called into session for probably a minute before the NSB official adverted that I called the Party Courts. After that I happened, rose walked down from the stand calling me a “Retard” and “You fucked up” after that he promptly ordered my death without giving my character a fair chance in defending myself at all. I think anyone that has a brain can agree, this trial was not done properly at all.

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Can someone give context as to why the trial was stopped and to what he actually did to get these charges. 

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Heyo had over the past couple days done various things that lead up to the charges. He the other day threatened several NSB to be detained over petty things and was detaining them over this. He was reported by several NSB Command for this, even the Generals, basically abusing his authority and being egotistical. He also stormed the NSB wing with an invalid warrant with the GVZ in attempt to “show them the authority of the Police Courts”. He was also reported that he was publicly stating his disregard for the authority of the NSB whilst patrolling around with the GVZ. 

On the 2nd Sept, whilst in NSB Custody, he was doing an Ideology Test, which he failed, it was reported that he “decided to act like a retard and start calling people names.” He was then, brought to a trial and was it was called into session, I followed standard procedures, aka calling into session, starting the rules of the rules. He during the introduction of the trial, kept speaking when it wasn’t his turn, I reminded him to not speak during this. I then continued and finished the introduction of the trial. He then decided to speak again and in doing so, I threatened him and said if he were to speak again, I’d find him in competent and guilty of all charges. He then of course, spoke again… The evidence against him wasn’t very strong and he most likely would of been given a demotion or a fine and released, but because of his contempt of court, he basically ruined his chances.

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44 minutes ago, Rose said:

calling into session

Not all at all, you charged me with contempt of court even before the trial started. You called court into session for around a minute before the NSB adverted said that I envoked the party courts (which I did), and with no investigation into that advert called the trial out of session and ordered my death promptly. There was no train of thought on this trial, nor that advert.


47 minutes ago, Rose said:

released, but because of his contempt of court,

I was charged one time with contempt of court because of the NSB adverting saying I told him to advert (which I didn’t) that I envoked the party courts. I was charged with one contempt charge before being promptly executed. You are supposed give the defense 3 contempt charges after the court is in session for them to be found guilty on all charges.


51 minutes ago, Rose said:

during the introduction of the trial, kept speaking when it wasn’t his turn, I reminded him to not speak during this.

Absolutely wrong, you never reminded me not to speak after the court was in session with a contempt charge and then ordered my death right after.


52 minutes ago, Rose said:

He also stormed the NSB wing with an invalid warrant with the GVZ in attempt to “show them the authority of the Police Courts”.

Unfortunately also false, I didn’t “storm” the NSB wing considering if I did you think the NSB wouldn’t have dealt with the day of? In conclusion on this statement I never stormed the NSB, nor did you ever hear me say it was to and I quote “show them the authority of the Police Courts” you are simply putting words in my mouth in attempt to make me look bad.


54 minutes ago, Rose said:

He was also reported that he was publicly stating his disregard for the authority of the NSB whilst patrolling around with the GVZ. 

Huh?? That never came out of my mouth, nor would it come out infront of my men considering I have served the NSB before and assisted with there warrants as they have operational control over the GVZ for warrants? I was helping them why would I say I have disregard for their authority?? I am confused here 


56 minutes ago, Rose said:

On the 2nd Sept, whilst in NSB Custody, he was doing an Ideology Test

No didn’t. I have a document that I absolutely didn’t issued by NSB-Polizeiinspektor Stefan Bauer with a passing stamp, I am happy to hand the document to UA as it is relevant to the situation.


58 minutes ago, Rose said:

kept speaking when it wasn’t his turn

Absolutely not, I stopped speaking when I heard you call the trial in session you PKd me on the words of an enlisted advertising. Absolutely retarded.

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Also meant to add this aswell, why was Contempt of court charges not added to the PK log.

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47 minutes ago, nugget said:

I was charged one time with contempt of court because of the NSB adverting saying I told him to advert (which I didn’t) that I envoked the party courts. I was charged with one contempt charge before being promptly executed. You are supposed give the defense 3 contempt charges after the court is in session for them to be found guilty on all charges.

You were charged with 2 Counts of Contempt, and as per the Standard Procedures, If the defence accumulates two or more competent of court, the presiding richter may terminate the trial immediately. In which I could then issue an immediate verdict, which to prior warning, was Guilty on all charges.

You were within fair evidence going against the NSB and pushing your authority in clear retaliation. They disliked your power grab in AMT-I and disliked it even more when you came over to the GVZ m, as you wanted to throw your authority around again.

In doing this, they did not hold a grudge or any thing of that sort, you were Subverting State Security by clearly undermining them constantly and Obstructing their Official Duties.

I gave you plenty of chances to fix your behaviour towards the NSB and you didn’t, therefore you were trialed and due to how you handled yourself in court, we’re found guilty on all charges. 

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1 minute ago, Rose said:

gave you plenty of chances to fix your behaviour towards the NSB and you didn’t

No you didn’t?? You never told me to fix anything you watched everything I did and never pulled me aside for anything said once again lying..


2 minutes ago, Rose said:

2 Counts of Contempt

I was only charged with one contempt of court charge after the trial was called in session.

4 minutes ago, Rose said:

retaliation. They disliked your power grab in AMT-I and disliked it even more when you came over to the GVZ

Me arresting one NSB for being a habitual offender and publicly calling me “Gayo Groll” is not a power grab.. I never did a power grab in NSB either I simply disagreed and dealt with what you can call Moronic Retards in the NSB, and conducting a competency test on them is not a power grab. I have done many power grabs in the Military before, none in the MOI. I believe you are uneducated on what a “Power grab” is considering I would have done business differently. 


7 minutes ago, Rose said:

You were within fair evidence going against the NSB

I never operated against the NSB at all while serving in the GVZ. And  The confrontation with the NSB I had was started by NSB officials insulting me when they were lower ranking officers. That is not going against the NSB at all. I have operated against the NSB maybe 6+ months or lower ago when I was MGD chief and it did not look no way close on how I interacted nor confronted NSB during my time as GVZ chief. I stand by this, I never once went or operated against the National Security Office during my time as the GVZ chief nor the AMT-I. 

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As an NSB officer present during your actions and trial. I can say there was no foul play involving your pk which were explained above. Might I also add that you did call me and my fellow officers “retards” during your interrogation not to mention you stating to us that “Heyo Groll means nothing to me” basically stating that you wanted to be killed which didn’t look good along with you denying everything question given.

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22 minutes ago, 𝓐𝓬𝓮 said:

Heyo Groll means nothing to me”

What?? I never once said that at all during NSB custody, what are you talking about?


26 minutes ago, 𝓐𝓬𝓮 said:

denying everything question given.

Either you weren’t there, or just AFK during the entire interrogation. I was not once asked a question. I was told that I “failed” a political ideology test, which is false and I presented the evidence of that to cravfe of me passing the test. After that they, gator and sec cleared the hallway where you could watch my interrogation, after that gator gave me 2 Options, sign a confession affidavit or get shot (PKd) with both option given I envoked the party courts. So you must not be that knowledgeable of the situation enough to have some outcome on my appeal.

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Here is the Political Ideology test, which states “passed” at the bottom. I posted this with clearance from cravfe 


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23 minutes ago, nugget said:

Here is the Political Ideology test, which states “passed” at the bottom. I posted this with clearance from cravfe 


In the test you've provided, it just shows what rose is saying is correct. 


With all due respect, What are you even trying to argue about here? 

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39 minutes ago, nugget said:

Here is the Political Ideology test, which states “passed” at the bottom. I posted this with clearance from cravfe 


Upon further investigation from myself and dawg, this document is not signed and also not the one given as evidence within the court trial.


I will not comment any further on this, I will await UA’s ruling, if they wish to contact me, they can do so.

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24 minutes ago, dawg said:

In the test you've provided, it just shows what rose is saying is correct.

The test shows one of the major charges are completely invalid. “Subversion of German Society”, which means that one of the major charges are false.

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15 minutes ago, Rose said:

Upon further investigation from myself and dawg, this document is not signed and also not the one given as evidence within the court trial.

Doesn’t matter if it not signed, that is the document I signed and NSB-Polizeiinspektor Stefan Bauer declared that I passed. Any other political ideology test is forged and powergamed.

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After reading the trial report, it's obvious to me that there wasn't really any effort put into the PK. I see a court report with stacked charges and a court summary of 3 words (fucking ridiculous), an ideology test, and a witness statement. I see a plethora of charges on this court report with absolutely zero evidence or testimony logged anywhere to support them.

If you want to have a corrupt trial, that's fine. If you want that corrupt trial to end in a PK, that's fine. But shitty court reports with no evidence and clearly stacked charges are not the way to do it.

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