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Louis Allard - Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Frog

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:0:111707199

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: ThirdEyeSchizo

How long is your ban for?:  7 Days From Time Of Ban

Why were you banned?: VDM / NITRP 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: An NSB member was inside of the ICC, I ended up hitting the NSB with a borrowed car as they failed to stop after 4 members of both Party & Military attempted to detain them. My intentions were to knock out the person, so they could be easily arrested. Due to trajectory the person was slammed into the wall and died, However VDM still feels like a stretch as I had a valid reason to use vehicle based force (By failing to stop). NITRP is hard to dispute, but I feel like my ban should be lessened due to my activity and the timing (was insanely late at night & I was messing around within closed doors).

Additional Information: Apologies, but it was insanely late, and I didn't inventively mean to kill them.

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Hello, I am the staff member that issued your ban

You were banned for VDM. Here is the clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iDSfLA940p9OZzQAV/d1337uMFRuz2?invite=cr-MSxpbFcsMTgwMTgyMzk0LA

I was heading over to the BB as my transfer was just approved so that I could transfer. When I went there, a group of high ranking party and vw co's kept minging near me and using FailRP terms constantly. You were a part of that group. None of you attempted to actually rp with me properly; there was no attempt made to detain me or conduct anything else with me. You were simply minging on higher ranking characters late at night. 

After your party group had me completely surrounded, you did not detain me even though you had the chance to do so. When I then left and kept going to the BB one party general kept following, me and I made him multiple warnings to back off; however, no gun was pointed at anyone, and there was no actual live threat to any person on the scene. 

You then decided to run your car directly into me without any proper reason or previous attempt to detain me. You intending to knock someone out by running them over, in order to arrest them is not only illogical but also not a valid reason to actually run someone over. 

Edited by ThirdEye
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1. Perspective is a very important thing, i had no reason to believe you were there to be transferred, nor did you speak with me regardless.


2. I wasnt apart of that group for the majority as I had left to get members of the military to detain you (As its the ICC). The other members of the party had followed you, when I seen you you were near the edge of the BB, I hit you in an attempt to stop you from turning the corner and firing. (AS I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE TRANSFERRING)

3. I dont mean to be hostile, nor give off the impression that Im not sorry, (not that its an apology) I didnt mean to kill you regardless, but I did have a reason. Just because you were there to transfer, doesnt change anything. I saw an NSB agent inside the garage, we cornered them and ran to get military, at which point I came back and seen you running. My intent was to knock you over not kill you. Nor do I think NITRP is fit, as you mentioned “the group” and I was the only one to be targeted with nitrp additionally I wasnt with “the group” as like I said previously, I was getting the military to detain you.

I made the appeal with as soon as I could, with 5 days left on my ban.

Edited by Frog
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22 hours ago, Frog said:

1. Perspective is a very important thing, i had no reason to believe you were there to be transferred, nor did you speak with me regardless.


2. I wasnt apart of that group for the majority as I had left to get members of the military to detain you (As its the ICC). The other members of the party had followed you, when I seen you you were near the edge of the BB, I hit you in an attempt to stop you from turning the corner and firing. (AS I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE TRANSFERRING)

3. I dont mean to be hostile, nor give off the impression that Im not sorry, (not that its an apology) I didnt mean to kill you regardless, but I did have a reason. Just because you were there to transfer, doesnt change anything. I saw an NSB agent inside the garage, we cornered them and ran to get military, at which point I came back and seen you running. My intent was to knock you over not kill you. Nor do I think NITRP is fit, as you mentioned “the group” and I was the only one to be targeted with nitrp additionally I wasnt with “the group” as like I said previously, I was getting the military to detain you.

I made the appeal with as soon as I could, with 5 days left on my ban.

Again, as I stated before, wether or not you intend to kill someone or just knock them out by purposefully running them over in order to arrest them doesn't matter; it is still considered VDM. A police officer doesn't just run people over with his car so that he can then arrest them, there is no rp in there whatsoever. Here is the VDM Guideline for you:  

  1. You may not run an individual over with your vehicle unless your life is in danger. I.e. the individual(s) are shooting at you or present an immediate life threat. Players who deliberately run towards moving vehicles or show a clear disregard for their own safety by running out into the road and not looking for oncoming vehicles and are then killed as a result would not be classed as VDM.

Regarding your other claim that you were the only one being targetted for nitrp, after you weren't on the server anymore the other party general who was also minging was also handled. You weren't the "only one to be targeted with nitrp" you were simply the only one that decided to run someone over  when it was completely unnecessary and were therefore banned.

Edited by ThirdEye
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This was VDM and as stated in the rules You may not run an individual over with your vehicle unless your life is in danger.

In this situation your life was not in danger at all and in the clip provided it did not seem like "they failed to stop after 4 members of both Party & Military attempted to detain them".

You don't just get to run some over for simply tresspassing that makes no sense at all.

You should of attempted to roleplay the situation out to try and fugure out the context of the situation as to why he was inside the base instead of just running him over.

If you attempted to actually roleplay the situation out this entire situation would have been avoided and you would not be banned right now.

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