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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Mike Slazenger

SteamID boobsackbaby  STEAM_0:1:196917314

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology

Which staff member banned you?: Coffee

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: alt account

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was due to be unbanned in less than 24 hours (this past sunday) and really wanted to get back on the server. It was my first day off in a week and the first time in a while that my irl friends were going to be on and playing as well. I know that what I did was wrong, but I just really wanted to play. I just wanted to rp. 

Additional Information: I'm banned  in game. My discord is brian1k9548


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I second this story he was supposed to play with us we kept edging him on to join and one of our friends told him to buy an alt to join telling him the server "wouldn't know" which was follish. He just wanted play with his friends and rp. He puts a lot of hours in the server and is fun to rp with. 

Edited by TankMan
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Hello I was the staff member who issued this ban.

At first you were permanently banned for Global rule 13.

Then you made an appeal and I accepted your ban appeal and very generously shortened your ban to only 1 week.

You then during your ban attempted to ban evade using an alt account.

In my opinion i don't believe you deserve to be unbanned any time soon since you broke two Global Rules within the space of 1 week.

Another member of Upper Administration will decide the veridct of your ban appeal soon.

  • Hmm 1
  • Devastated 1
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when would that be? no way yall are that busy. ive already  been banned 2 weeks for honest mistakes. you never even gave me a chance to change my bio when i initially got banned. My officer told me to change my bio and i did immediately. even though i broke a rule you shouldve either explained how i was wrong and then banned me or given me a chance to fix it myself and read the rules since im relatively new to rp. But you just froze me in place and perma banned me. This is getting ridiculous. No other server on gmod would be like this to someone who genuinely just wants to rp.  


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6 hours ago, boobsackbaby said:

ive already  been banned 2 weeks for honest mistakes

So having a Degenerate character description such as "butt plug inspector and avid dildo destroyer" and then attempting to ban evade on an alt account are "honest mistakes" ?

6 hours ago, boobsackbaby said:

you shouldve either explained how i was wrong and then banned me or given me a chance to fix it myself and read the rules since im relatively new to rp

How would I need to explain to you that having your characters description as "butt plug inspector and avid dildo destroyer" is wrong?

It's common sense that this character description would be against the server rules.

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whens this "upper admin" gonna respond? You already said your piece. I was playing for upwards of 9 hours and just wanted to banter with some people. Not an excuse but that's how i was feeling at the time. Wasn't trying to break rules and piss people off, rather give a few laughs (which it did). Should've never warranted an instant perma ban, regardless if youre permitted to do so or not. In fact, I was just sitting there being a bodyguard doing as told for upwards of 30 min so in regards to rp it doesn't get more real than that (kind of sad i wasted 30 min of my life doing that just to get banned).  Some guy stared at my character, and instead of telling me "hey man that isn't allowed on this server, change your bio, he ran to go get you). It was wrong though make no mistake ab it.  I also agree that trying to alt account was wrong, but it's not like i'm purposely going out to be a menace and kill everyone on sight either. was just trying to get on with some friends and was told by one of them that was an easy way to get on the server again. "Ignorance isn't an excuse" I understand that as well. So dont respond and tell me that because I understand that i'm wrong in that regard. Sorry you're a hardass on what is common sense and what is not. was obviously just a joke. No kid should be playing a nazi germany rp server anyway so that shouldn't be a reason against me either. The point of you AT LEAST being like "yo man you cant have shit like that as your bio" and either letting me go or giving me a SHORT ban would be totally valid. Not just insta perma banning me. "but youre not an admin so you cant say that" is a cop out as well. You'd think yall would want people that like to rp to be apart of your server, but it's becoming obvious that you don't care about that. I wouldn't be arguing my case if I didn't want to play, regardless of what you respond with. I understand what I did in both cases were wrong, but perma banning me is extreme. I want to be involved and contribute, and whether you believe that or not is totally up to your "upper admin" but waiting 2 and a half weeks is excessive. There are people that have done worse who have gotten shorter bans. "just bc other people do it doesnt make it ok" I understand that as well but at least be consistent with it. I'm not going around killing every tom, dick and harry. 

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