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Martin Hauzer, pk appeal


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Character's name & rank: Generalmajor Martin Hauzer

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:424374497

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Hound and Donzoko

Explain why you were PK'd: I was taken by NSB, I ordered my men to shoot like a month ago (I saw them all gunned down, none of them survived) interogated for like 2 hrs and after I havent conffesed to anything I got killed in their office. Then i got brought by Donzoko and he explained that it was not NLR becouse Whoreson said that there is a rule that if 15+ people get shot its not NLR, even though it was never announced and was not added to the rule book. Another argument on why i have been PK'd is one witness statement (first link below) which is litearly a falsified document, and as stated in the rules, those cannot be used if someone is going to be pk'd. I oocly say, I never had any MOI raided, and it was a couple of rouge NCOs that just kind of whent there (4 in total). Also the witness statement was without any other evidence a part of the witness statement, that was made by an NCO, that we all know can be easily manipulated to give a false conffesion. After I tried explaining it all to Donzoko, on how it didint make any sense, SerHound just came out of noclip and said that I dont deserve a general spot becouse I dont play enought and that he dosent whant to listen to me, pk'ing me immedieatly.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I belive that its not a substantial reason for a PK, and it should be handled icl'y, they havent brought me to court, nor ever tried detaining me before. Which is why I belive that one rule that dosent exist and one witness statement which is litearly a false document, is a absurd reason to be PK'd

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2 minutes ago, Vito said:

SerHound just came out of noclip and said that I dont deserve a general spot becouse I dont play enought and that he dosent whant to listen to me, pk'ing me immedieatly.

Very true! Allow me to explain.

The PK against you was entirely valid. Normally, PKs against general officers require the approval of Global Administration. However... you're not actually a General Officer, you're a Colonel, according to everything else besides your character.

 spacer.png spacer.png


But that doesn't make sense? Why would you have colonel roles if your character was a General in-game?

Oh.. Wait...



You've been on the server only one other time in the last 10 days. Why the fuck do you think you're entitled to your character after being so inactive? Your inactivity as a general alone is more than enough grounds to have you shot. You didn't post any sort of notice. Whether you're a GO or a senior CO, if maintaining that rank is something you want, you have a responsibility to be active and contribute to your faction's roleplay. In fact, the last comment you made was about 9 days ago.



And the reason I came in and PKed you immediately without having a conversation with you is that you were being an absolute sniveling retard towards @Donzoko No Ryuand other members of staff.

  • Your claim that it's not "written down" that NLR doesn't matter during times of civil war is moot. This is how it's been on the server for years. We don't get ultra-specific with rules like this because if we did, we'd need 500 rules to cover every little detail.
  • The PK request against you is entirely substantial. There are several witness statements, some of whom signed by your direct subordinates, implicating you in several activities which would warrant a PK.
  • You do not get to talk to us however  you want and expect us to give you favor. 


The reason you were PKed as quickly as you were was because of your incompetence, your inactivity, and your attitude, which have also led you to being rank-locked to Hauptmann-equivalent until December 12th, 2024, and permanently restricted from holding any Roleplay Importance/General Officer rank on a permanent basis.



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We attempted to bring you to court several times and as unfolded in this administration, they are shoot first ask later operation. We caught you doing this exact thing. Shockingly this policy has institutions hostile to even hosting trials. This combination caused an inability to have a court session. We set an operation to catch you and did. We capture you and brought you back. We went through all the other options before your disappearance.  UA+ can request if needed for detail. 

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17 hours ago, Hound said:


I was fired from the postion as Chief of Feldjagers on the 4th of september, made Oberst without any titles, wasn't given any heads up or a new role by the GFM. And the new chief told me i can go wherever, so I decided to not go on the server for a bit due to my football season and school starting. Your'e claims of me being incompetenct are hillarious as i turned the Feldjagers from like 4 people to a full page. I have no clue who you whanted me to inform of my absence as i was no longer a general or a leader of any department, I dont get what boils your blood so mutch, as people getting fired is a very often occurence, you clearly dont know the whole story and youre coming after me like I neglected an entire faction giving me rank bans and a permantent leadership ban, which at this point is just beyond exessive. I appealed this PK as I belive there wasn't a sufficient reason for one, which was: one witness statement written by a NCO likely forcefuly. I prefer to resort thing within roleplay and there was nothing stopping the NSB from trying to arrest me and going through court (I said we can go to warcourt like 8 times during my interrogation) but instead they whent for the boring zero rp solution of having a befriended UA pk me. Again I have no clue how i angered you so mutch as I barely ever even spoke to you, asking you twice in the span of like 2 months if im eligeble to joining the Drachengroup, which from my point of view isin't anything dissrespectful or anger-causing.

I will await the final verdict of a person not involved in the conflict, and would love to get a respond to my points from you Hound.

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And i wasn't being a retard towards Donzoko, I was mad that he is trying to PK a character i created like 2 years ago, over a rule that dosent exist, and if it takes 500 rules to make it complete, then write 500 rules. Whats the point of having a rule book and asking people to read and abide by them, if youre just going to persecute them on the basis of one that you just though up of. I have never seen an official announcement about said rule, nor have I ever seen it in the rules, so its quite understandable that I dont believe it should be punishable to break it. As its the equivelant of saying that the "lack of knowledge of the rule book dosen't exempt you from following them" and then never giving the people any book.

Edited by Vito
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6 hours ago, Vito said:

Again I have no clue how i angered you so mutch as I barely ever even spoke to you,

It isn't so much that you "angered" me, because you didn't. It's that you're an extremely boring individual who felt like you could treat staff members however you wanted, especially over an "unwritten" rule that's been enforced for about as long as 1942RP has existed. You didn't anger me by any stretch, but you are an absolute moron.

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5 hours ago, Vito said:

and if it takes 500 rules to make it complete, then write 500 rules.

You're retarded. Nobody's going to sit down and write 500 rules for a Garry's Mod server, and even if we did, absolutely nobody would read them.

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I guess, I will no longer try and discuss this matter with you and just wait for the decision, as the only thing you do is dissrespect me and call me slurs, if thats how you resolve your issues then its alright, but I whant no part in it, I have never dissrespected you or donzoko, before you intervened I asked him a simple question "Am I being PK'd for a rule that dosent exist, and a false witness statement" thats when you left noclip and said how im incompetent and youre not listening to me. Also, youre banning me from leadership positions and locking my rank because im "Boring" that would make life half the imperial chancellery in trouble, lets just hope they amuse you, wouldnt wish this on any of them.

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After having read through this appeal, I am very "mutch" appalled by your spelling skills! We should work on that! You "whent" off the deep end with your spelling, however, I do agree with some of your points here. From the explainations given to me, it seems that the PK itself is fine, could have been better it some areas, but nothing that should void the entire event. 

Your PK stands, however, your rank lock and ban is removed. I have informed UA to remain more respectful when dealing with these sort of frustrating situations, I would ask that you also do the same. 


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