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PK Appeal - Divisionsleiter Joseph Busch


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Character's name & rank: Divisionsleiter Joseph Busch

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:646528906

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Coffee

Explain why you were PK'd:  During the Civil War between the Military and the Ministry of Interior on the date 9/12, I had assisted the Ministry of Interior against invasion against the Military, though at the time the Military had been unaware that I had been helping the Ministry of Interior. During this Civil War, I had allowed the Vice Consul and several members of the German Party Administration and People's Watch into the Ministry of Interior for safety. Despite this, they decided to leave while I assisted the Ministry of Interior. As the Ministry of Interior was slowly losing ground, I went on a search for the Interior Minister, who was nowhere to be found. On this search, I knew that many members of the Ministry of Interior had been detained and were being held in the ICC, and that since the People's Watch and German Party Administration were on "neutral" grounds, I had access to the ICC. I approached the ICC garage to find a Generalmajor who offered me the opportunity to come inside for my safety, which I accepted. We had made it to the Benderblock before members of the Military were screaming at the Generalmajor, that the ICC was on lockdown and that I had to leave. After the Generalmajor confirmed this, I began to leave the ICC and made it just past the barrier surrounding the Benderblock, on my way to the garage exit, when I was swarmed by members of the ICC stating that the Vice Consul had ordered my detainment. I was swiftly moved into the Field Marshal's office within the Benderblock where I would find the Chief of the National Security Bureau and the Leading State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior detained. I was quickly blindfolded when I demanded answers in which the Field Marshal replied my detainment had been ordered by my superiors and that I was to be stripped of my rank and fired. I was then shoved into a corner along with the other members of the Ministry of Interior while I was dragged by Joseph Soros and forced to watch the Minister of Interior, Grand Admiral, and Field Marshal engage in a screaming match. During this screaming match, I was encountered by the Vice Consul who called me multiple insults, in which I replied with various insults as well, including calling him a traitor. After a good amount of time, I was taken by the Consul, Vice Consul, German Party Administration, and People's Watch to an area over by the Luftwaffe training grounds. I was then shoved into a corner and spat on along with multiple insults thrown at me while my own men and General Hans von Aachen were confused as to why I was detained and why this had happened. The Consul then ordered me to stand against a wall and ordered my own men to open fire upon me while General Hans von Aachen watched, in tears. Directly before I was shot, a State Secretary by the name of Karl Becker stated, "By the German Party Administration you have been deemed death." 

Why should you be un-PK'd?: 

Now, if you take a look at the PK guidelines it states under the Government PK Criteria that the Consul can order the PK of someone as long as he is in the city and this was conducted correctly. HOWEVER, if you look under the The Following is NOT Permitted section, it clearly states that a PK will not be permitted, unless it is used as a LAST RESORT. This being said, in no way shape or form was my PK a last resort. I had been invited into the Inner City Compound by a General ranking officer, and then when told to leave I did so without a second thought. When I was detained I didn't move an INCH and complied with every order given. I never attempted to run, or hide, or kill anyone, I complied with every order. No court trial was held for myself as a Generalleutnant equivalent, I was simply dragged onto a wall, and shot because the German Party Administration deemed me death. 

My death was unjustified and I was killed simply because I did something that the Consul didn't agree with. He was scared, and a coward and took the opportunity to shoot me while he had the slightest upper hand.

Clip of the State Secretary's Statement: https://streamable.com/qgp9y2

Additional Information: Take the information I've given you, read the PK Guidelines, and make the decision you deem fit. God Bless.

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We killed you for the following reasons:

  • You betrayed the Party and attempted to sway the members of the People's Watch to support the Ministry for the Interior, rather than siding with the Party, during an active conflict in the middle of an investigation into the actions of the Ministry for the Interior by the Party on the Emperor's Orders.
  • You then attempted to run back to the ICC when you realised that the MoI wasn't coming out winners in that instance.
  • You had dirt / insider information on our activity / investigation which you have been more than privy to since your appointment as Chief of the People's Watch.
  • You previously acted like a fool and have caused numerous headaches for the Party, and were warned that if you were to continue on this path you would end up dead.
  • Your literal last words were "Glory to the Ministry of the Interior" before you were PKd.

The PK also happened as a result of an NHC PK order.

All of these things can be attested to / supported by the rest of the command of the Party.

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Hello Reverend! Thank you for commenting, let's begin.

  • You betrayed the Party and attempted to sway the members of the People's Watch to support the Ministry for the Interior, rather than siding with the Party, during an active conflict in the middle of an investigation into the actions of the Ministry for the Interior by the Party on the Emperor's Orders.

Well this is a confusing one but I'll do my best to respond, The Vice Consul asked me during the middle of a Civil War to come to the Reichstag, and run across an open line of fire. He then came to the MOI and I LET HIM IN, and asked for the People's Guard, my unit, to come with me to watch both sides and see who we should ally with. The investigation on the Ministry of Interior has absolutely nothing to do with the Civil War, or my PK.

  • You then attempted to run back to the ICC when you realised that the MoI wasn't coming out winners in that instance.

Well I ran to the ICC on my own accord, got there successfully, was let in my a General, all while knowing that the Ministry of Interior wasn't winning. Interesting statement, that has nothing to do with my PK.

  • You had dirt / insider information on our activity / investigation which you have been more than privy to since your appointment as Chief of the People's Watch.

Well, that sucks. Maybe choose what you do more wisely, and if you would dive a little deeper into what you mean by "dirt", that would be amazing. 

  • You previously acted like a fool and have caused numerous headaches for the Party, and were warned that if you were to continue on this path you would end up dead.

You released a document stating that the entire Kaisergarde was under you, in which the Innenminister replied to a document absolutely clowning you, made you write an apology, and limited the People's Watch to 8 people. All because you released one document. Your SECOND document (which I still regret signing) attempted to take the entire Imperial Security Bureau and place them back under the party. Another big FAT loss for the German Party Administration, because of you. YOU have caused more headaches for the German Party Administration than any other Consul. Congratulations. Not only does this have nothing to do with my PK, but it also breaks another PK guideline which states, "You must resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member."

  • Your literal last words were "Glory to the Ministry of the Interior" before you were PKd.

When you're own men detain you, put you on a wall, and shoot you without any reason as to why, you tend to side with the opposition. Which also, has nothing to do with my PK.

The PK also happened as a result of an NHC PK order.

Well I could have sworn I wrote an entire paragraph on how a PK must be a last resort and can't simply happen because you got all upset and started crying that I couldn't fix all the mistakes you made..

All of these things can be attested to / supported by the rest of the command of the Party.

I to, have witnesses Consul. 

Thank you for your reply! God Bless!

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Hello I was the staff member who approved this PK.

On what the Konsul said in his reponse to this PK appeal are the reasons I approved this PK.

You were PK'd under the PK guidelines:

"On the orders of Feldmarschall, Innenminister, Vizekanzler, Konsul, Kanzler, Prinzregent, Kaiser [PK]"

"On approval of UA+ [PK]"


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Hello Coffee! Thank you for your comment.

I understand the PK Guideline ""On the orders of Feldmarschall, Innenminister, Vizekanzler, Konsul, Kanzler, Prinzregent, Kaiser [PK]" as well as the PK Guideline "On approval of UA+ [PK]" but it also clearly states within the forms that a PK must be used as a form of LAST RESORT. It also states that, "You must resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member."  

This PK was far from being deemed as a last resort and there were many other ways to go about this. If the Consul cared so much about what was happening then he could have taken me to trial and had me sentenced or at the bare minimum throw me in a cell or just straight up let me resign or discharge me.

PKing a Generalleutnant equivalent just because "I attempted to run back to the ICC and realised that the Ministry of Interior wasn't coming out winners in that instance." isn't a valid reason. A PK is used as a last resort to kill someone in a situation that is absolutely necessary. I was detained, I didn't struggle, didn't attempt to run, I was simply killed because he was upset as to what had happened.

The way he carried out the PK was incorrect and in no way shape or form was reasonable.

Thank you for your reply! God Bless!

Edited by Shepherd
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