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Bring Back the Typewriter


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Description of the idea:

Bring back the typewriter item. For those who are unaware, the typewriter was an item that could be purchased at the general store for about 10,000DM. Using the typewriter, you could embed IC documents in game and have them as an actual item you can distribute.

Why should this be added?:  I know personally, I loved this item---and so did many others. When used correctly, the item added another layer of roleplay for people who like to "hold" documents on them. It was also great for people who had their own news papers or posters that they wanted to pass out. We can't put links in advertisements, so we should at least get something like this for people who want to distribute a document IC'ly.

What negatives could this have?: When this was introduced, there weren't a lot of negatives. Of course, somebody could be a moron and put unsavory text or imagery, but the costly price tag of 10 grand can help deter most people away from trying to do so. When they were present in the game, I only recall one incident in which somebody abused it; they were quickly handled. 

Additional information: Big typewriter enthusiast. This is the only image I can find of the typewriter in prometheus.spacer.png

Edited by caisstupid
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+1 although I never got to experience the typewriter in a 42RP setting, I have used similar functions in other servers. Not entirely a bad idea and would make the server feel more connected to itself 

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I personally thought this item was great back when it was around. I believe there may be script issues surrounding the reasoning behind its removal, however if it wasn't too much of a hassle I think it would be beneficial to re-impliment. I remember people using these to produce menus for restaurants, newspapers, flyers and much more. -  May also be good to impliment into the court system for Richter Deputies? Who knows.


Good post! An item I had totally forgotten about and one which some may never have experienced.

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Let us type


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+1  More immersion with in-game documents would be cool.

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If it can be re-implemented then I think it would be a great thing to place back into the server to create greater immersion. Especially for factions like the State who could produce documents in game. As you said, a high price tag would be a great way to deter the system being abused. 


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+1  typewriter was goated


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