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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: BlueTrue (I dont remember my in-game name)

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:174782906

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Vixx

How long is your ban for?: 24 hours

Why were you banned?: LTAP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I really needed to leave the server in the middle of a RP scene, so before I left I made a ticket stating "I need to leave in the middle of RP scene" which then I waited for a staff to claim the ticket, which Vixx claimed, then I left immediatly, I just wanted for them to know that I rly needed to leave the server. Then I came back like 1 hour after and I see that I got banned for LTAP...

Additional Information: I really needed to leave, I hope yall understand. Here is the image of console showing that I made a ticket and the ticket got claimed before I disconnected.


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Why are you disputing this? This sounds like LTAP.

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Hi there, thank you for making an appeal. 


To elaborate on the situation, both you and your friend were being held in the BB Interogation room in which a General had just ordered your character to be PK'd due to admitting to being guilty of Espionage. As I took the ticket you left, and did not give time to explain what was going on or why you had to leave.


The ban was placed by myself as I had warned you earlier in the day as you had disconnected, rejoined and changed characters to prevent NSB being able to have you sign an NDA. When you reconnected minutes later I pulled you to a sit and you were given a link to the rules and warned that the next offence would be a ban to which you agreed and confirmed you understood and admitted to trying to get out of the RP. It is also worth mentioning that your friend confirmed he was on a discord call with you and said you just left, and then changed his story to saying you crashed which I saw was a lie through logs. He then also LTAP'D when I challenged him on this.


I believe this 1 day ban is reasonable and lenient considering your actions earlier on in the day which were addressed twice on different occasions- both your verbal warning and written note on your account. In future please refrain from entering serious RP if you are going to leave immediately, and if you really must go have the decency to stay and consult a member of staff.

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Hi there Vixx,

I completely understand the previous warning, as I left without notifying anyone and switched characters. However, this time I did call for staff and explained the situation in a ticket. I feel that a 1-day ban for LTAP was a bit harsh, considering I had no choice but to leave immediately.


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Thanks for replying.


Unfortunately, that is still LTAP. You have submitted this appeal to 'dispute' the ban. However, you have openly admitted and confirmed you did in fact LTAP.

Your ticket did not explain, just mentioned you had to leave.  You did not wait to receive conformation for this.

I understand you may feel this is unfair, but there were two previous incidents during the same day where you abused disconnecting to avoid RP and admitted to it. Please follow the rules next time, I see it highly unlikely that you purposefully left twice during previous interactions and then conveniently when you were banned for commiting the offence for the third time that it was genuine.


Thank you.

Edited by Vixx
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