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Bismarck PK Appeal


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Character's name & rank: Wilhelm Von Bismarck -Leitender Staatssekretar

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:571761226

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Lawson

Explain why you were PK'd: I went into the lapo station due to the door being unlocked, but there was a guy there. He pointed a gun at me and I turned to face him, he kept moving so I kept trying to face him, only later did I find out that I could not hear his microphone or what he was saying (This comes up later as well). He had been telling me to stop facing him. Due to me continuously facing him, he shot and killed me. Later after NLR period was over I went back to the Lapo station and encountered a guy there, He said he wanted to join the lapo, so I brought him inside the lapo garage to look for a supervisor. This is where I encountered the same man who had shot me earlier. He again pulled a gun on me and I remembering what he had done before started to run. I still could not hear him and I later found out he had again told me not to move. He shot and killed me yet again. I was then pulled into a sit which in I had my character subsequently permanently killed.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I enjoy playing on the Prometheus server and I had a lot invested into that character. So much that it was in fact my only character. I want to continue doing the job I enjoy doing and helping others to achieve success on the server as well. I have invested countless months into completing work for the German State. I did not hear the lapo man telling me not to move and I should have probably expected that with a gun pointed at me. I have never gotten in trouble before and I didn't intend to start now. I would take a punishment, but in the form of a warning, note, or reasonable ban period instead of having my character that I have cultivated be deleted like this. If I do get un-pk'd I intend to dig deeper into what someone's intentions are and perhaps say or type that I can't hear them if they are talking. I apologize for breaking Fear RP, it was not my intention to do so, but I want to keep playing on my character that I have had a dedicated interest in for my entire time on this wonderful server. Thank you to whomever is reading this!

Additional Information: 

I want to continue to do my job to the best of ability, that it is a guarantee and I have never done anything less.
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In the two clips provided for your PK, you were very clearly placed under fear RP.

In the two different fear RP situations, you failed to abide by fear RP not once but twice and died both times.

This puts you under the PK guideline:

Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP [PK]

This PK was also approved by a member of UA which then also

puts you under the PK guideline:

On approval of UA+ [PK]

This PK was justified.

If you have any further questions about your PK, feel free to reach out to me on Discord.

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