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Give the Feldjagerkorps ability to buy police Kubelsitzwagen


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Description of the idea: Giving the Feldjagerkorps faction access to police vehicles.

Why should this be added?: Allowing the Feldjagerkorps access to police vehicles (since they are in their entirety a police faction) would allow for a more authentic military policing experience. From pulling over cars violating base policies, to chasing after the horde of NSB trespassing inside of the ICC, having the same sirened police cars every other police faction has would be an amazing addition.

What negatives could this have?: The usual negative effects would be them getting stolen by minges and being used by unauthorized people, but that's always just been an in-character thing. There's not many negatives about this anyway, other than it can be stolen in-character.

Additional information:  I appreciate you guys taking time out of your day to look at this post. I hope you consider this quite small addition to a more authentic military policing experience. Having sirened police cars (not the citroen) would give the base environment a law enforcement experience that I believe personally it lacks. Thank you, and god bless! 😁

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this could be good like if there is a MIA they could go look for him or if someone does a hit and run they could go after him and arrest the criminal 

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