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Unban Request


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Name: kavmoin


Appeal type: Unban Request 

Which staff member banned you: Hound

How long is your ban for?: 7 days 

Why were you banned?: FailRP - Breaking character in the middle of interrogation repeatedly.


I needed to leave the city urgently and was in a cell for questioning. I made a ticket to leave, and I explained that I was okay with a player PK, but I just had to leave the city. Upon hearing this, hound decided to pk me and give me a 7-day ban. I understand breaking RP is against severe rules; however, I can do so if I need to leave the city about a real-life matter.

Furthermore, hound didn't even give me a chance to explain what was happening or call me in to talk; he just decided to pk me and give me a 7-day ban.  My ban should be lifted; however, I am ok with the player PK; I shouldn't get banned for having an urgent matter in real life, and saying I broke RP because of that is insane to me. The ban could have been avoided if Hound had talked to me to see what was happening, but he decided not to. I would understand if I broke any rule, but this is unreasonable. I have real-life things I have to deal with, such as asking to leave and not breaking rp. In addition, a 7-day ban for doing so seems like overkill. I hope you can understand I have a real life to attend to, which is why I had to leave. My intention was not to break rp; I enjoy playing on the server and wouldn't intentionally try to break players' emersion. I simply had a real-life matter to tend to.


-Thank you for the understanding 



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36 minutes ago, kavmoin said:

Upon hearing this, hound decided to pk me and give me a 7-day ban. I understand breaking RP is against severe rules; however, I can do so if I need to leave the city about a real-life matter.

You weren't banned for asking to leave the server. You were banned because you broke character repeatedly during your interrogation, making it quite clear you didn't care about the roleplay, saying things like "I don't care about this character" and demanding you be discharged. You were breaking character for quite a bit before you ever indicated you needed to leave the server. And no, there aren't any situations in which it's okay to break character. We have /looc and admin tickets for these issues exactly.

I also find it interesting that you began talking about needing to leave the server mere seconds after being told you were going to a trial. 🤪

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Good evening my name is Lawson but you might recognize me as Obergrenadier Lawson Woods i was the Individual questioning you were you were repeatedly breaking character.


You also did this after making your ticket about having to leave 


We wanted to bring you to trial when you could come back into the city, but after you continually moaned and complained about the need to just be PKed and Just discharge me already then when we reached out to Hound to approve a PK.

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While I understand where you are coming from, you were the one who brought up Pk, to which I replied that I didn't care about the character. Look, man, I have stuff going on in real life, which was one of the reasons I couldn't use my mic. I understand I broke Rp, and I own up to that; however, was the PK not enough of a punishment? If not, I'm asking if you could shorten the ban length or lift it completely, as I had no negative intent behind my actions and wasn't trying to grief any player's experience; I just had real-life circumstances going on. I apologize for my actions and am not trying to excuse the fact I broke rp; in my head, I did what I thought would wrap up the situation asap, even if that meant a pk because I have stuff going on.  Lastly, I was talking about needing to leave before mention of a trial, and I wish you could look past the game and realize that I had things going on. In response to Lawson, your post proves my point; my messages were clear that my only goal was to wrap things up asap so I could deal with what I needed to. You can see I request as pk and ask to get sent on my way, showing I was simply trying to leave as fast as possible. The bottom line is this, I didn't have any intention to try to grief or break rp to ruin the experience for others and I think that is reflected in lawsons post. I own up to the fact I broke rp and in the future will act differently to wrap up things as soon as possible. Hound I hope you can put yourself in my shoes as a person who is less experienced with the server rules and was just trying to do what I could to leave the game. 

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Appeal type: Apology

After reflecting on my actions I have realized I am in the wrong here. Because still new to the server, it was my first time encountering a situation where I needed to leave in the middle of an important rp. I now have done some reflecting and realized I handled it in a poor way where I came off as rude to the players around me and dissmsiive of them. In the future, I will handle the situation much better and can only learn from my mistakes. I would like to extend an apology to the members involved with the situation and hope they can understand where I was coming from and why I acted the way I did. Lastly, I would like to both apologize and thank Hound for his understanding of the whole situation and for helping me realize how I came off to others. 

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5 minutes ago, kavmoin said:

Appeal type: Apology

After reflecting on my actions I have realized I am in the wrong here. Because still new to the server, it was my first time encountering a situation where I needed to leave in the middle of an important rp. I now have done some reflecting and realized I handled it in a poor way where I came off as rude to the players around me and dissmsiive of them. In the future, I will handle the situation much better and can only learn from my mistakes. I would like to extend an apology to the members involved with the situation and hope they can understand where I was coming from and why I acted the way I did. Lastly, I would like to both apologize and thank Hound for his understanding of the whole situation and for helping me realize how I came off to others. 

Thank you for apologizing. Accepted.

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