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The G Man's Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name:

 The G Man

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 

Discord Username/ID:

Timezone:  BST/GMT+1


Time Played (check with !time): 
1w 5d 44m

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted):

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: 
 Yes and yes

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: 
Active in the server trying to be more active on the forums.

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?:

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify):
 @Owen, @Wraith, @ItIsÀris

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

  • Obersekretär Zeke Krüger: Member of the GPA in the District Office and Previous Wissenchaftminster. Duties include, selling building permits, Enforcing city By-Laws and issuing fines.

  • Matrosenoberstabsgefreiter Amon Glöde: Member of the Kaiserliche Marines and Previous Inneninspektion für Kaisergarde at the rank of Kommisar but asked to be demoted back to enlisted. Duties include going over training with the other enlisted, doing recruitment patrols and regular patrols and  doing guarding duties when requested.

  • Polizeihauptmeister Henry Frick: Member of the Innenministerium Polizeigericht AMT II StadtWacht. Duties include acting as a bailiff for the police courts, conducting warrants on wanted MOI members, handing out fines for Misdemeanours and guarding the AMT I Personal as well as the Innenmisnter on occasion.
  • Polizeioberdiener James Norman: Member of the Landespolizei Streifendienst Basic patrol team. Duties include acting out warrants on wanted citizens, Enforcing the German penal code and District By-Laws on citizens of Berlin

How long have you been roleplaying?:
Starting playing 2013 and having gathered a total of 9742 hours in garry's mod. I have extensive experience of roleplaying on a wide variety of different game modes with a majority of those hours playing various serious and non-serious Half Life 2 RP servers as well as Dark RP and many other gamemodes.

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:
 I received 1 Note for NLR back in July. It was just a silly mistake and won't happen again and hasn't

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?

I have a fair amount of experience as a staff member providing a fair and enjoyable experience for users.

  • Joined a DarkRP staff team that operated on ULX a few years ago went from trial moderator to Senior Administrator over the course of around 4 to 5 months.

  • Helped manage a staff team and develop a PoliceRP and MilitaryRP network of servers for around 7 months running off of the SAM admin system.

I don't yet have experience with the Nutscript Gamemode, However I am willing to learn and I'm sure with time I can be proficient with it.


Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:

For a number of reasons I think I would be a fantastic addition to the Prometheus Networks staff team. First and foremost, I have a strong commitment to providing an outstanding user experience for everyone. I am aware that  a wonderful experience with staff is essential and may be the difference between losing a player or retaining them. I am well aware that being part of the Prometheus Networks Staff Team requires consistency, professionalism, and an organised approach, all of which I am prepared to bring to the role. I am ready to dedicate the necessary time and energy to ensure smooth server operations while making sure that every player adheres to the rules. I aim to help build a fun and uninterrupted experience for everyone on the server. My primary goal as a staff member is to assist players promptly and address their concerns efficiently, ensuring a seamless roleplaying experience for everyone.


My position in the BST time zone allows me  to support players who may be online during off-peak hours, particularly when other staff members in the EST time zone may not be as active. I have observed that there are occasions when players go extended periods of time  without receiving the assistance they require, which can lead to unchecked rule breaking. This not only disrupts the experience for other players but also creates a less enjoyable environment overall. By providing consistent staff coverage throughout different times of the day, we can better manage rule enforcement and ensure the server runs smoothly around the clock.


In addition, I have gained invaluable knowledge about the server mechanics and structure and the duties associated with maintaining a player community from my prior experience as both a staff member and an active player with the community. I am aware of the guidelines, rules and the attitude needed to properly enforce them properly. I'm sure I'd be a splendid addition to the Prometheus Networks Staff Team.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

Firstly the position of “Staff member” is a member of the community dedicated to helping provide a smooth and fun playing experience for users so therefore I would help assisting and doing my best to provide solutions for users in our community as well as punishing those who break the rules accounting and fairness. I also understand I must do my minimum amount of contribution a week of 60 tickets .  Additionally someone was to commit MRDM for example, then I would be required to ban them for intentionally killing a group of people without a valid RP reason. I will also be fully responsible for not abusing my staff position or any of the abilities granted to me by metagaming or using my permissions to gain an advantage over another player.
Another less extreme example I could give is if someone is metagaming or minging then I would give them a verbal warning to stop and make sure they are aware of what they are doing wrong and if they then continue it would then be a note.

Notes: I'm aware there was another ex-staff member that went by the name "THE G MAN" and just to clear this up we are not the same person and have no relation to one another.

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Great guy, would love to see him on the staff team. Always enjoyable to be around IC and OOC. Would make a great addition to the team. 

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Apps seems fine and you seem like a good fellow.

Also funny enough this isn't the same G Man. I find it hilarious how you have the same name.

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Known this guy for a while, would make a great addition to the staff team.

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I don't know you, application seems to be fine. 

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+1- seems like a chill guy who digs what we dig

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+1 great app, good luck!

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+1 Good app


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Good application, I've never heard of you

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+1 Man seems like he knows what hes doing

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+1 Rational thinking, and genuine. 

You have my support,

Good luck!

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  On 9/26/2024 at 6:18 PM, Mr_Arrovv said:

I don't know you, application seems to be fine. 




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Welcome to the Staff Team!

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