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Bruno Adlers ban appeal.


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Character's name & rank:  Bruno Adler, NSB enlisted man

SteamID32: 76561199760550102

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): 

Explain why you were PK'd: kg were coming up to me trying to arrest me and conner and I radioed in that kg were arresting nsb so I pulled out my weapon because I'm not supposed to be arrested and I died.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I believe I should be un pkd because I was never told they were just trying to give me the correct clothing. in my perspective there were like 12 KG running at me with there mp40s yelling at me for no reason then they arrest my friend Connor for absolutely no reason at all. I believe it was all just a misunderstanding and that I should've been told that a new uniform came out instead of just jumping the gun, literally. 

Additional Information:  the only reason I didn't argue is because I am new and haven't any idea what was happening so I didn't want to look a fool. 

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Please post the correct steam ID


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You ran after being confronted and pulled your weapon at four Kaisergarde pointing guns at you, in which you died and were PK'ed for the guideline of "Breaking fearRP and dying." Your friend Connor also radioed in that he was being kidnapped by us, but wasn't killed because he didn't break FearRP.

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