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Lua Errors


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Hello! I've consistently received the following lua errors despite having only the content installed:


[morelua] language.Add expects string as second argument!
    1. unknown - addons/morelua/lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/stacker_improved.lua:219
        2. include - [C]:-1
            3. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/stool.lua:154
                4. include - [C]:-1
                    5. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/shared.lua:372
                        6. include - [C]:-1
                            7. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/cl_init.lua:11


[simfphys_vehicles] addons/simfphys_vehicles/lua/autorun/codww2m3.lua:43: unexpected symbol near '='



For clarification, I am using the [x86-64] build as instructed. Any help/suggestions in solving these errors would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by BJ
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  • 1 month later...

Check Cache files could be that

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  • 3 months later...

that sucks.

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be quiet troll.

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i hate that guy.

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aint that the truth.

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you go LOW. I GO LOW-ER.

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