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Flags taken away


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Name: Hans Webel

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:812731984

Staff who issued the flagblacklist: @Luc Jasyarsest

Explain why your flags were blacklisted:

Im a KG member and while me and other KG members were talking about what we were gonna do for patrol, 2 armed civs broke in the pantheon and got in and I noticed them and alerted the other KG members, so we went up there but we could not get in to kill them as they were tresspassing, so I got my phs gun out and spawned a couch to get some KG members to get in there to kill the civs and then I got a message saying "You have been stripped of your ability to use PET flags and have been blacklisted" I never tried to use the prop to abuse or anything I just wanted to get those civs out and we had no way getting in if I could please get them back thank you and im very sorry for what I did.

Reason why it should be unblacklisted: I never really abused them in the first place and im sorry I only did what I did above is cause 2 people broke in and we had to get in there to kill them I am sorry for the trouble. I didnt just do it for fun or anything no, I only spawned in the couches to get the guys over to kill the 2 civs and the plan was only 2 go over and then the rest saw what I was doing and copied me which they then opened the door, I didnt know If i did this that would result into my prop tools getting taken away again I am sorry and it wont happen again


Edited by jimmyjohnjr900
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You have 24 hours to edit this post to follow the flag appeal format or this will be denied.

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myself and my acquaintance were invited into the pantheon grounds and you kaisergarde started to question us which is fair and correct nothing wrong with that. However after so you spawned a couch in and flew your members over the fence to let yourselves in and open fire on us without even saying another word. There are ways for you to get in the pantheon grounds without prop flying over..... if we got in then you could get in too. 

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Well I dont know any other ways and im sorry alright and we didnt know you were allowed if only you explained and everything I just doing my job in game this wont happen again

Edit: If what you said is true and were invited into the pantheon then it you would have at least told us the KG members so there would not be any confusion or anything if you guys were spotted and we would not have tried to stop you guys.

Edited by jimmyjohnjr900
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