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In roleplay the MOI was raided by about 6 random Civilians with guns. I was on my NSB Character. After I died I went afk for a second and seen one of the attackers stream the raid on his personal discord. I was told my Mr. History to report it here.

I do not know if they were communicating / giving intel over that discord channel or not since I tabbed out pretty late, but it does seem that there are probably 2 of the raiders in that channel (Both on full-mute on the screenshots).

I have discussed about this with Mr.History and as I said before, he told me to report it here. 

The IC Name of Warsteiner at that time was "Otto von Schatten" but I could'nt get his ID.



Stream activity shown by discord



Streamers account



Stream open on the persons discord (Warsteiner was one of the raiders,

not sure about Jester.S.Clownington, Nagasakiiii was not part of this and

not IC at the time of the raid).

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this was very unsigma of them -1 to those bamboons


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snitching wouldnt stand if slickb was still around

Edited by moody
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