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Randy Brunelle Ban appeal

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Name: Randy Brunelle

SteamID32:  [U:1:252548263]

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: brownpug

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I blew up a friends vehicle using a prop after we lost a race during off hours

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I promise to not make the same mistakes, it was foolish of me to do so

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Wrong channel but anyway. I had previously warned you about building ramps and going over buildings, I deleted the ramp twice and each time told you to stop, after the third time you finally stopped. Then you decided to fling a car which for me was it. As for off hours, just because it is later, or there is no one on, does not mean you can fuck around with ramps or go and flinging vehicles.

Edited by Brownpug
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Your prop perms will not be unblacklisted straight away but they can be unblacklisted In 1 week.

As you were warned multiple times by Brownpug to stop misusing your prop perms and you decided not to listen I believe a 1 week prop perm blacklist is more than fair.

Contact me on Discord next Friday to get your prop perms back.

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