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Got perma banned for LTARP and NITRP


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Your Name: Diego

SteamID32: 76561198964613208

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  I apologise for breaking LTARP and NITRP, I was just annoyed with that character and forgot that I was in a RP situtation, but I do not remember breaking global rule 11

Which staff member banned you?: Kieran

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: Breaking global rule 11, LTARP and NITRP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I didn't break the global rule 11 and I was on that server for at least half of a year.

Additional Information: I do agree that I broke LTARP and NITRP but I did not break the global rule 11

Edited by Diego
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Please follow the template below, or this appeal will be denied automatically. 

In your appeal, please also refer to you breaking Global Rule 11 which is the reason for your ban being permanent.


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1 hour ago, Diego said:



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1 hour ago, Donzoko No Ryu said:

Please follow the template below, or this appeal will be denied automatically. 

In your appeal, please also refer to you breaking Global Rule 11 which is the reason for your ban being permanent.


If it really is true that I broke the global rule 11 then I deeply apologise because I did not know that this rule existed, also in the promethus bans it does not say that I am permanently banned for breaking the global rule 11



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Usually how it works is if you are banned for any reason (this case being the nitrp and ltarp) and you try to evade by logging in with an alt account you will be banned by the console permanently which is why it wouldn't be on the initial note.

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3 hours ago, Bowlpack said:

Usually how it works is if you are banned for any reason (this case being the nitrp and ltarp) and you try to evade by logging in with an alt account you will be banned by the console permanently which is why it wouldn't be on the initial note.

Ok I do understand but im telling you I did not know that the rule existed. I mean when I logged on a another acc I didn't even get in to the server bc it said that I was banned. Please I was a active member of the server, sience the new year I think I was on the server almost everyday, this server and my friedns on it were basicly what made me happy when I was feeling down. Please could we have a plea deal like I would remain banned for a few weeks?


Edited by Diego
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so you were on the server almost every day since new years and had absolutely zero clue that you aren't allowed to try and use an alt account to get on when you're banned?

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1 hour ago, marki said:

so you were on the server almost every day since new years and had absolutely zero clue that you aren't allowed to try and use an alt account to get on when you're banned?

yes, I am telling you I confess that I did that. But please I beg you can we have a plea deal of a month or simillar. This server means a lot to me...
So im editing this a few minutes after I replied and I remember what happend I was on another acc and I tried to log on this one but I just got to the loading I wasnt playing on the server


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You can reappeal your ban in 1 month.

In your next appeal, you can be completely honest about what actually happened, you can explain that you were banned because you attempted to use an alt account to bypass your original ban.

Then your next ban appeal will more than likely be accepted.

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