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Jean Pauls Trusted Application


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Steam Name: Sharklover5000

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:6202456

Discord Username/ID: Kris3589

Are you VIP?: Yes

Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 6 days

Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: 

Oberst Jean Paul. Jean Paul is the Regimentskommandeur der I. Luftjäger-Regiment 'Lilienthal.' Jean Paul leads, teaches, supports, and recruits. As an example, I have recruited 20 people in just 4 days once. I spend hours dedicated to funding warplanning, hours helping my men stay active, rebuilding the Luftwaffe. Giving the Luftwaffe a better image, and making sure everyone has a fun and exciting environment at all times.

What will you use the trusted rank for?: 
Recruiting, transferring, and helping expand and grow the Luftwaffe's numbers and activities when admin are not available. As well as helping with other regiment transfers, recruiting, and character fixes.

Staff Recommendations: 

Side notes:
I've been an admin on several video games in the past, such as Minecraft, and DarkRP servers on Gmod. I am also active every day, week days its mainly 2pm-8pm (PST) and on weekends all day, usually 5-12 hours a day. I'm extremely dedicated to helping and spending my time supporting the 1942 server.

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Is that jean paul gaultier?

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