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Boost Civillian Business RP


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Description of the idea:
Promoting a business on the server currently poses significant challenges, as it typically requires repetitive posting in /ad in general chat, which can feel like spamming. A more structured solution, which I’ve seen implemented successfully on other servers, would be to create a dedicated Discord channel for business advertisements. This channel could serve as a space for players to showcase their businesses with images, descriptions of services, and other promotional content.

Currently, the only practical way to present one’s business is by individually approaching people and attempting to share external links, such as links to a Google Drive flyer, which isn’t very effective or engaging. By establishing a business-focused channel, especially for businesses that need to be promoted in pictures, something like a construction business, we could foster more vibrant and authentic business roleplay. To maintain an immersive experience, the channel could be framed as an in-game newspaper where businesses advertise their services, much like newspaper ads which imo wouldn't break rp.

Why should this be added?: 
Adding a dedicated business advertisement channel would provide a structured space for players to promote their businesses, making business roleplay more engaging and accessible. It would allow players to showcase their services, share images, and provide descriptions without spamming general chat or making people open external links. This, in turn, could encourage more people to participate in business roleplay which the server needs to feel less empty and to attract players who don't necessarily enjoy the military rp aspect.

What negatives could this have?: 
One potential downside is that the channel might become overly crowded if too many businesses advertise simultaneously, potentially overwhelming players and making it difficult for individual advertisements to stand out. There’s also a risk of advertisements becoming repetitive, which could reduce engagement if not managed well. Clear guidelines and moderation would be essential to maintain quality and ensure the channel adds value without detracting from the server’s overall atmosphere, but this could be achieved by whitelisting business owners and blacklisting everybody else from posting. 

Additional information: 
Have a nice day!

Edited by Dausordenen
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It has already been approved that successful and competent business owners may speak to leaders of factions to gain access to #openings
Speak to someone in-game to assist you with your business
You could also speak with the Ministry of Truth about ads.

There are many IC ways, If you just talk to the right people

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Locking and moving, these ideas have all been posted in other threads already,

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