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Conspiracy theories


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what’s the wackiest conspiracy theories you’ve heard on the server🤔

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Kamala Harris would be President 2025.

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heard people talk about something called "The Berlin Beast"

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that they were gonna add the reichstag bathroom again

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There was this nightclub called The Purple Pony and a bunch of my faction memberss were telling me it is a gay club and not to go, lmao.

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On 12/18/2024 at 4:09 AM, Seiker said:

that they were gonna add the reichstag bathroom again

i added it but when i ahd tacobell extra spicy salsa i tell you it wasnt a bathroom anymore.... it was stalingrad 

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That if you press the phone inside the sewers enough times it would play a sound that can be heard all over the map. (Like the Pantheon Buttons)

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About the Kraken. Fishermen from all around were telling a tale about an enormous beast that lurks in the fishing pond next to the Hospital. The stories were suggesting that the beast would weight over 80,000 lbs and be bigger than the Pantheon itself. Many have tried to catch it - nobody yet to succeed.

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