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UnPK maybe?


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Character's name & rank: Polizeiobermeister Hans Vaught

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:703467936

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Saito

Explain why you were PK'd: I barely remember why I was UnPKed. I was fucking off my rocker on my meds, and didn't get off. I just remember Browniemeister trying to arrest me. 

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I just thought I'd try to get UnPKed. I understand if not, but I just want to continue rping on my character. 

Additional Information: I apologize for whatever I did blacked out on my meds?

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For this PK you were placed under gunpoint by a member of the Luftwaffe

but fear RP did not apply under the rule:

8. If you are actively holding a weapon in your hand, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is on safety, E+R)

The PK guideline you fell under was the PK Guideline:

Dying after initiating a shoot-out

If you have any further questions about this PK feel free to DM me on Discord.

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