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Contraband NPC


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Description of the idea: NPCs at the MOI, Feldjager, and Lapo Station where police forces can sell confiscated items (such as weed, guns, ect) from criminals/those detained and won't be returning.

Why should this be added?: Finances and support the police forces,

What negatives could this have?: Incentive to sell stuff before trials or stuff is stolen and the criminal is released on all charges

Additional information: None

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I see the concept, and it is a very interesting idea.

I see how it could help police forces, but in real life there is no NPC to sell contraband too. Not only that, it could it be heavily abused and a little bit of a confusing and broken system.

I'm pretty neutral on this.

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1 hour ago, Shepherd said:

I see the concept, and it is a very interesting idea.

I see how it could help police forces, but in real life there is no NPC to sell contraband too. Not only that, it could it be heavily abused and a little bit of a confusing and broken system.

I'm pretty neutral on this.

My primary complaint is that officers run out of money quickly and cant really earn too much back at a decent pace. Whilst criminals can resupply drugs, sell, and keep buying guns to initiate gunfights. We lose in the long run without a rewarding system for contraband turn-ins.

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2 hours ago, Shepherd said:

I see the concept, and it is a very interesting idea.

I see how it could help police forces, but in real life there is no NPC to sell contraband too. Not only that, it could it be heavily abused and a little bit of a confusing and broken system.

I'm pretty neutral on this.

I agree with what Shepherd said on this.

Whilst it would be nice to have said vendor for these kind of things I also find it awesome that you would have to make advertisements or find someone else in game that would purchase these items off of you. 

It allows everyone to make some kind of money from this, instead of just one individual. However, of course that profit would be split drastically different as everyone will pay different DM for each item.

As for what you had to say on your reply @LuciferI understand your frustration with how officers of each faction run out of money quickly, however if you have a good leader in your faction money will be distributed properly to allow everyone to be able to afford the bare necessities to allow each one to operate efficiently. 

I also believe that while there not being a built in system for rewarding the player for contraband, IE the vendor this gives players plenty of opportunity to earn money and potentially accommodations in character for turning in said contraband. From my experience the leader of a faction is given decent money to disperse it to those like other commissioned officers, which those officers would then give money to NCO's, Enlisted to allow them to purchase equipment.

With all that being said, I really like how it's more player driven and with a vendor I honestly believe it would limit the interaction of different factions in this aspect as well as automate it too much. This being said, when I was roleplaying as LaPo I remember contacting the DRK for example to sell pots too, or any other drugs and they would buy them off of me. This allowed for me to meet other people in character, as well as spread the money to more than just myself, which allows everyone to be successful in that aspect.

It all depends on how your faction operates though, if you need money all you typically have to do is mention it to someone of authority within said faction and you'll be given it. 

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