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Discord Unban


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Your Name: KittyFemme (discord name)

SteamID 76561199484109399

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: I'm unsure

How long is your ban for?: Perma

Why were you banned?: Probably disrespect

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I would like to partake in faction specific discords and things like that, I am sorry.

Additional Information: I apologise for any disrespect caused by my prior actions.

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Your steamid must be posted in this format STEAM_0:X:XXX


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Doesnt say your banned

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  • Cravfe locked this topic
  • Hound unlocked this topic

After looking into this, you were banned from our Discord Servers by @Ryan. I'll allow Ryan to leave a comment if he chooses.

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I will give you another chance to be unbanned from the discords. If you continue to be a wierd freak, you can get banned again. Dont post stupid shit in the discords and spread that wierd shit. 



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