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Ban Appeal

Booty Chicken

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Your Name: Was Booty Chicken now James Sapphire

SteamID STEAM_0:1:765306403

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Coffee

How long is your ban for?: 1 Month 30 days

Why were you banned?: NITRP, LTARP

Hello this is my apology for my ban about NITRP and LTARP. I'll explain what I did and why it was wrong. I was tied up by Lapo and then taken, I thought I was smart so I L tapped and joined back to be untied. It was a very stupid decision that I will never do again. Coffee pulled me after I had done this, he asked me how'd I get untied so I told him the truth and liking my honesty he didn't ban me permanently. Here is my apology, I believe coffee left a note on me that says next time I do something wrong I will be perma banned. After knowing this I will do my best to follow all the rules (over these past 16 days I have read all the rules). Now that I'm on my last warning I'm asking to be unbanned. I'm sorry for what I did and from now on forward I will follow the rules and engage in civil RP.

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Any further infractions in the coming weeks will result in a permanent ban.

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