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Drug Vendor for Grollius Cartel


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Hello. I have a character that is a member under the Grollius Cartel. I have since noticed that I do not have access to get shipments of drug bricks and barrels. After speaking with some admins, I believe it's because our faction hasn't been programed to do so yet. I am hoping that this can be solved quickly so my faction can have some fun doing some great rp.

With regards,

Edited by ButterThe50cal
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  • ButterThe50cal changed the title to Drug Vendor for Grollius Cartel

I believe this has been reported to UA/GA already, but I recommend also making a bug report in the main discord in #support-request

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  • 2 months later...

The faction is in the server. Message me directly on discord if you have any issues

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