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Quick question


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I was banned for 2 days for RDM even thought I was intending to assasinate him and try to make an RP scenario. I was wondering whether or not I managed to actually achieve my goal.

So basically, if I remember correctly. I used my pistol and shot him in the head twice before being killed by his men.    Before being killed though. From my perspective it seemed he managed to survive if I'm certain?. I'm not sure though.

Edited by distiniq
To show the efents in chronological order
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I attempted to assasinate the officer through 2 shots in the head with a pistol I think?. 

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I'll add the screenshots of the officer I tried to assasinate when I am able to.

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Hello Distiniq you should make a ban appeal and follow the ban appeal template if you think your ban was unjustified and provide more details about this situation.

You saying "I was intending to assasinate him and try to make an RP scenario" does not provide me with any details which could allow myself or anyone else to help you out with this situation.

Who were you trying to assassinate?

And were you given approval by a member of staff to conduct an assassination?

And make it clear who your character Is too.

Overall you should just provide more details about the situation if you want someone to actually help you out.

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I'm kind of on the fence, of either making a dispute or an apology. 

Edit:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3385108982 The officer facing towards the march is the one I tried to assasinate.

Edited by distiniq
Found screenshot
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question is denied

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be quiet troll.

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i hate you.

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nuh uh your lying right

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