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Drop Contraband and Weapons Upon Death


Drop Contraband On Death  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Drop Contraband On Death

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Description of the idea: Upon the death of an individual whom, has weapons (unequipped, equipped would just be deleted) and/or drugs, would be placed into a container that can be looted by anyone who gets to the container first--or by whomever may have killed them (to be determined by UA). Containers would auto-delete after maybe 30sec-2min.

Why should this be added?: Spice up roleplay overall.

What negatives could this have?: Tik rate, but not too lengthy so long as the containers are deleted after 30sec-2min.

Additional information:  None.

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they have this on half life rp, most of the time someone will grab the gun then mass rdm

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No, most guns will break if dropped like the MG34, etc etc. Just won’t work. And what moody said, it would be way easier to MRDM.

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I'll have to agree with both of the individuals that posted their opinion above, while it seems like a cool concept there's just too many negatives that would outweigh the positives here...

Thanks for your suggestion though 💯

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1 hour ago, Acevass said:

I'll have to agree with both of the individuals that posted their opinion above, while it seems like a cool concept there's just too many negatives that would outweigh the positives here...

Thanks for your suggestion though 💯

How about just drugs then?

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8 hours ago, Lucifer said:

How about just drugs then?

Hey there Lucifer, thanks for replying to the comment I made.

I honestly wouldn't be opposed to drugs being dropped on death, as it would make those that carry them more concerned in regard of losing them.

Although, I could see an issue in roleplay regards with only certain items being dropped on death. For example only drugs being dropped when you had multiple weapons, as well as different items on you.

These items would include but not limited to Food, Medical items, Ammunition. 

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Whilst I understand the premise of this suggestion, being a former member of an old community that had such a system.

I don't believe it would work in this community due to level of mingery that befalls the civilian populace for example, it would lead to the wrong types of people, the people who go out of their way to RDM and ruin the experience for other community members, getting weapons and genuinely would be more of a detriment then an asset. As for the drugs, here's the thing, people get RDM'd all the time, lets say your going to the bank to store the drugs you just spent 10 minutes processing till next drug price change and then you got shot by a random for no reason and all your drugs end up on the floor. How would staff compensate the loss of the drugs? Would they compensate the loss of the drugs? Should they compensate for the loss of the drugs?

Ultimately this idea as a whole is more of a detriment to the community then an asset.


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I love the Idea of weapons or drugs being dropped on death, but as the two individuals said that weapons if dropped could cause Mass RDM if a civilian picks it up. So with some reasoning if guns dropped in areas of say the ICC, or during raids in important areas, then the idea of weapons being dropped might actually work. But it would be hard to code if thats doing so, I will say no on weapons being dropped. But if drugs were dropped it would make them more special to carry say if you are being kidnapped and you die but aren't PK'd, then all of your drugs you have on your character will just drop for some other person to find. I say if UA does take this suggestion, making drugs drop on death would be a valuable idea.


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