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The Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Jeb!

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53077958

Appeal Type: Apology

Which staff member banned you?:  Regis Landegre

How long is your ban for?: Forever

Why were you banned?: RDM x3 and LTAP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 

I’m not going to sit here and make any excuses. What I did was inexcusable. I wish I had the chance to live those few moments again, but unfortunately, I can’t. I am very sad and very ashamed of what I’ve done. My inner thoughts have taught me way better than that. I have told staff members countless times, and I’m telling you today, that I am truly, truly sorry that I wasn’t able to handle the situation differently and better. As many of you know, I grew up in a community where there was RDM, and I saw first-hand what uncontrolled minging could do. I have sought and I am continuing to seek help to ensure that what occurred in September can never happen again. What I did was unacceptable, 100 percent. I can only ask and pray that you forgive me, please.

Additional Information: 


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As you tried to evade this ban on six different accounts this is appeal is immediately denied.

You may make a new ban appeal in 1 month.

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