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I wanna apologize


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Character's name & rank: Hueng min son

SteamID32: 76561198066899903 [U:1:106634175]

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  turais

Explain why you were PK'd:  fear rp when getting robber or kidnapped

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  because i didnt know that escapin from robbery is a bad thing and something that could get me introuble

Additional Information: This appeal is an apology so i can get my char back

Edited by AL-Qaeda
staff told me
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Follow the template or this will be denied. Note that PK appeals are seldom accepted just for being apologetic. Being PKd as a result of FearRP is a normal part of roleplay. Please follow the template and allow some time for the involved parties to respond.

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does it have to be like the templete

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14 minutes ago, Slug said:

Follow the template or this will be denied. Note that PK appeals are seldom accepted just for being apologetic. Being PKd as a result of FearRP is a normal part of roleplay. Please follow the template and allow some time for the involved parties to respond.

i did it am i good

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I'm the staff member who PKd your character, like I said in the sit breaking FearRP in order to free yourself from the situation is allowed and completely fine, however if you die when trying to free yourself the other side who is robbing/kidnapping you can request your character to be PKd (Perma Killed) which happened in this situation, you can remake a character and keep playing the server that is completely fine.

Again being PKd is a normal thing most characters dies at some point you can just make another one and continue roleplaying!

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3 hours ago, Turais said:


I'm the staff member who PKd your character, like I said in the sit breaking FearRP in order to free yourself from the situation is allowed and completely fine, however if you die when trying to free yourself the other side who is robbing/kidnapping you can request your character to be PKd (Perma Killed) which happened in this situation, you can remake a character and keep playing the server that is completely fine.

Again being PKd is a normal thing most characters dies at some point you can just make another one and continue roleplaying!

so is my char being un pk'ed or not

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